
Active Member
Had a great day laning yesterday and learnt a couple of things.

One, just because the tricked out car in front with a massive lift and special track tyres cant get up a lane doesn't mean I can't in my near standard Disco.

Two, take a very keen amateur photographer with you.

Three, planning is the key to a good day out.

For those who are interested some IMO very good photos of an excellent day.

More to follow.
great pics, like the S3 too! particularly like the piccy of the S3 climbing the rocks
Looks like a good day! The series 3 and the red disco look great! Wish I had rocky lanes like that near me.
how many needed a hand to get up to the farm?

I came down there yesterday and looked like it could be fun going up.
Awesome pics. i have a mate too who is a keep togger and took these the other week.


One, just because the tricked out car in front with a massive lift and special track tyres cant get up a lane doesn't mean I can't in my near standard Disco.

Agreed! It amazes me still at what a stock D2 can manage (mine!). Cool pics.
how many needed a hand to get up to the farm?

I came down there yesterday and looked like it could be fun going up.

The four of us got up without any drama, the S3 needed a couple of run ups at one bit but that was it.

It was the group of about eight who we were behind that were struggeling to get going.

I'm to much of a novice myself to criticise but! I suspect too much power and not enough momentom.
Brilliant pics, looks like a great day :D.

But I am disappointed, WHERE ARE THE CHAVS :confused::confused::confused::confused:
Ive just been sent some more photos but I'm not going to bore you all with loads so here are a couple of action shots of mine.

Saving the best until last for all the series lovers.


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