1. S

    17 year old Insurance! Defender 90

    Oh ok, I'm sure the years driving experience lowered the quote. Nevertheless Which company?
  2. S

    17 year old Insurance! Defender 90

    Do you know if certain insurance companies who do not allow 17 yr olds to be a main driver would allow a 17 yr old driver to be a named driver?
  3. S

    17 year old Insurance! Defender 90

    however the parent would then have to be the main driver
  4. S

    17 year old Insurance! Defender 90

    What are you typing in to get that quote? It came up with 5 grand when I tried.....
  5. S

    17 year old Insurance! Defender 90

    If that's genuine I think you may ave just brought this forum to a close! That's a brilliant offer! Which insurance company?
  6. S

    17 year old Insurance! Defender 90

    Cheers frogsisland, I'll look into admiral
  7. S

    17 year old Insurance! Defender 90

    surely on third party the likelihood of theft argument goes out of the window? I think it's more to do with insurance companies hiding behind these excuses and statistics as a way of charging young peoples parents thousands of pounds so that they can legally drive around just because they can
  8. S

    17 year old Insurance! Defender 90

    Yeah starting to think I'm fighting a losing battle
  9. S

    17 year old Insurance! Defender 90

    Or occasionally into a small child who has just run into the road as they don't have the reactions to brake in time.
  10. S

    17 year old Insurance! Defender 90

    Personally what worries me more is those driving out there in their late 80's with deteriorating vision, hearing and reflexes. I bet they don't have to fork out 3 grand for insurance
  11. S

    17 year old Insurance! Defender 90

    fair point well made, Suppose I should be looking at the larger picture, especially when this larger picture includes the years in which I will be paying the bills and not dad
  12. S

    17 year old Insurance! Defender 90

    Fortunately to my knowledge the authorities have not yet installed CCTV cameras into each car in the country so how would the insurance company know who's been doing most of the driving?
  13. S

    17 year old Insurance! Defender 90

    But surely if I was a named driver and just happened to drive it more than the policy holder I'd be doing nothing wrong?
  14. S

    17 year old Insurance! Defender 90

    They must have been hoping it didn't catch on, I don't know about you but if I was marking hundreds of english essays, I'd be pretty ****ed off if they were all written in green
  15. S

    17 year old Insurance! Defender 90

    I'm not blaming you ahah, what's this business about being on your parents policy?
  16. S

    17 year old Insurance! Defender 90

    My dad won't let me download music illegally, nevermind drive without insurance
  17. S

    17 year old Insurance! Defender 90

    Storm99, I don't know how to use the quote button, I was referring to your exam technique
  18. S

    17 year old Insurance! Defender 90

    Storm99, That worked for you did it?
  19. S

    17 year old Insurance! Defender 90

    Ryder I understand complete what you are saying and I agree that there are many people my age who you wouldn't dream of handing a defender to, all I'm asking is if there is a way of getting round paying obscene amounts of money to legally drive it around all year