This is very true with most insurance companies - the reasoning according to one company I spoke to is that more young people use TPO therefore it is more likely to end up being claimed on

fair point going by the crazy way insurance works it almost makes sense, i dont give a **** anyway my series is 100 quid a year fully comp with a 50 quid excess :D:D:p
Ryder I understand complete what you are saying and I agree that there are many people my age who you wouldn't dream of handing a defender to, all I'm asking is if there is a way of getting round paying obscene amounts of money to legally drive it around all year

yes there are things you can do to start with...

Take more lessons.....

Get you IAM test.......

Gain a certificate on skid and advanced handling....

These are practical ways.... alternatively limit the amount you drive for the first year. Limit your hours ensuring that you are not driving between 7pm and 7am. Install a tracker for the insurance company to monitor...

Lots of possibilities....however:

One possibility would be to drive without insurance. Please.... don't be tempted. The insurance companies are in business to rip you off - but if you think their fees are high... wait 'till you see what the court does once you're caught!
fair point going by the crazy way insurance works it almost makes sense, i dont give a **** anyway my series is 100 quid a year fully comp with a 50 quid excess
And how old are you? 50?! bet you aint 17 ^^
Its less than 94 D1 is on a classic with Footman James..fully comp and breakdown cover £124 a year. What a rip off.

i know its fookin heart breaking mine went up from 96 to 100 quid because i got another 3 points on my licence 6 in total and they expect 100 quid a year bloody con artists:D
One possibility would be to drive without insurance. Please.... don't be tempted. The insurance companies are in business to rip you off - but if you think their fees are high... wait 'till you see what the court does once you're caught!
My dad won't let me download music illegally, nevermind drive without insurance
I think its now time to put this to bed.

Its not my fault or Ryders fault or anyone elses fault here tonight that insurance is so high..its been rising for years as the insurance companies have used technology and statistics to see who the risk groups are. And you are public enemy number 1.

Like it or lump it, you will pay a lot for a year or two. Keep nose clean and off the booze and the go pedal and your balls will slowly be returned to you.

Lifes a bitch. Get over it.
Its not my fault or Ryders fault or anyone elses fault here tonight that insurance is so high..its been rising for years as the insurance companies have used technology and statistics to see who the risk groups are. And you are public enemy number 1.

Like it or lump it, you will pay a lot for a year or two. Keep nose clean and off the booze and the go pedal and your balls will slowly be returned to you.

Lifes a bitch. Get over it.
I'm not blaming you ahah, what's this business about being on your parents policy?
but then if you have an accident, their insrance will be screwed as far as I know. Then ur parents can experience the costs of 17 yo's insurance for themselves :p

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