1. Ivor Deenie.

    Auto box bangs into reverse.

    I aint been here for a quite a while, and am just nosin around for some info. try this for yo bangin problem. Go from drive to neutral, give it a second, then goo to reverse. Works on ourn.
  2. Ivor Deenie.


    I rekon thats the recomended for most inc v8, I did use to mix 50/50, but om gettin a bit stingy.
  3. Ivor Deenie.


    probly would make a difference on yo gage, but there only a guide. best way imo to keepyer antifreeze level safe is to premix to the recomended level, and use it too fill, and also top up. I work on 20%. use only water in any engine only temporarily!
  4. Ivor Deenie.

    Hummer Vs. Land Rover

    Cheers, though i had all ready sin it on there.
  5. Ivor Deenie.

    Happy freelander driver

    I spose most flander owners are happy for a while, sometimes for more than a day!. As its a second car praps yo dunt use it much. As regards the shed on wheels, dont do it. There annoyin!!! Oh yeh, welcome anorl.
  6. Ivor Deenie.

    Hummer Vs. Land Rover

    certainly looks it. i have had a bash, but gettin a bit too much 4 me now. do yo rekon around 3k then?
  7. Ivor Deenie.

    Hummer Vs. Land Rover

    you got yer eye on that 1 red?
  8. Ivor Deenie.

    Newbie from Cornwall

    Bloody wumin drivers!
  9. Ivor Deenie.

    New Member and Landy Owner

    keeps yer toes wam for a while though!
  10. Ivor Deenie.

    New Member and Landy Owner

    cant help at present me old china. there may be someone else that can, but most of em are pre-occupied with Katiesue at the minit! where have you seen these P90's? do yo have alink?
  11. Ivor Deenie.

    New Member and Landy Owner

    What do yo mean by a p90?
  12. Ivor Deenie.

    Newbie from Cornwall

    Hi katiesue and welcome. hope he gives you lots!! ofunn
  13. Ivor Deenie.

    Big bore Exhaust system for RRC

    I am also intrigued. speshly by petes picture!! Show us more.
  14. Ivor Deenie.

    central locking probs on my new p38

    might just need resinkin, you only have so long to change yer batteries before gremlins. have a look here, I think it will tell yer how to resink. http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f10/key-code-lock-out-52095.html
  15. Ivor Deenie.

    RRC ignition lock prob

    cheers for that chaps, at least i'm not goin mad or had the wrong key then! I will give him a little squirt in the barrel. Talkin of barrel's, it must be pub time!!
  16. Ivor Deenie.

    RRC ignition lock prob

    anyone ever had this happen?. tifflin with the the classic last night, only a couple of failed bulbs so didnt even have to get in it. had it running for a bit, turned off, job jobbed. Today, came to take him for a run and it seemed like the steering lock was on. even though it was'nt, the...
  17. Ivor Deenie.


    dint mean as in stuck, meant wiz it orf pdq! only other choice could be to replace with a peg and lynchpin/r,clip? might rattle abit though!
  18. Ivor Deenie.


    impact wrench
  19. Ivor Deenie.

    This looks tempting!

    if this is bang on it has got to be worth a look. 7k, too good to be true? 2002 LAND ROVER DEFENDER 110 TD5 COUNTY RED on eBay, also, Land Rover Range Rover, Cars, Cars, Parts Vehicles (end time 07-Feb-08 15:56:01 GMT)
  20. Ivor Deenie.

    Hello All! :)

    Welcome stu. certainly the right place for peeps wot know.