
New Member
hi i have a p38 and got a secound hand towbar to fit..... its a swan neck type and is removeable......... the only thing is to remove it each time you have to un-bolt the bolt in the middle of the swan neck and is a large 22" or 24" nut!
has anyone found a way of making it quicker to remove?

maybe i'm being too lazy!
Leave it on it makes a great mechanical reversing sensor. It also reduces the chances of your car being damaged if shunted from behind.:rolleyes:
god if i did that she will be pulling bumpers off in tesco's ever week!!!!
also my shin's will be red raw after a few weeks !!!
dont need a impact rench as the nut is un-done at the moment but its alot of effort to remove it each time! My dad has a old chevy blazer that has a removable towbar it has a thick steel bar with a R pin to stop it coming out. Has anyone changed the bolt for something else..........
dint mean as in stuck, meant wiz it orf pdq!

only other choice could be to replace with a peg and lynchpin/r,clip?
might rattle abit though!
The towbar/ball has been designed to CE specs.
If you are not using it every day, why not leave it off? It only takes about a minute to refit. At least you know if you use the bolt that it's solid and capable of coping with the nose weight etc.Failing that-you could always fit reversing sensors.
Anyway the tow bar kit comes with a pair of Mickey Mouse gloves in case you don't want to dirty your (Or the Wife's) hands.

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