1. M

    freelander 1 ccu or rear window problem not sure which one

    Na it's a 5 door and wipers on the rubber it was working fine then the next day all this the thing thats bugging me is it won't let me recalibrate would u happen to know what the ccu controls because I've had an intermittent prob with one of the doors for a long while now and not sure if it's...
  2. M

    freelander 1 ccu or rear window problem not sure which one

    can any one help me i cant seem to recalibrate my ccu my boot glass drops about 2" at a time theres no continuos movement when i try the reset procedure i take bat neg off for over 10 secs and when i put it back on its supposed to drop completly but it only drops an inch or 2 and then when i...
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    Freelander 1 What mileage is your Freelander 1 on?

    good timing on the pics fair play
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    Freelander 1 What mileage is your Freelander 1 on?

    114798 and drives like a dream although tidal roads are not adviseable as i found out the other day but it still lives on trusty old steed !!!
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    roof lights

    It should pass I got 4 roof lights that come on with the main or on independently I passed mot last week no probs light levels are only checked on dipped beam good luck
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    roof lights

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    tailgate will not recalibrate

    Have any of u got any advice for me my rear window drops gradually about 2inches at a time tried ccu reset keep getting damn beep straight away had a look nothing seems to be in the way of the mech or damaged, swapped the two relays and nothing it was working fine up until two days ago tried the...
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    roof lights

    i wired my roof lights to the main beam via a relay passed mot the other day no probs live feed from bat to relay - feed from relay to roof lights - remote signal from behind main beam relay bobs ur teapot night sun! great for those bastards that don't dip very rewarding lol ( make sure u have a...