1. sparky steve

    My Disco 2 - story so far.....

    nice looking car :) you wouldn't have the air suspention or ACE system, that will save you loads. check your front brake calipers too, they stick. only £38.00 from LRDirect. clean MAP sensor on inlet manifold, contact cleaner works well. do this after EGR removed. and then there's all the...
  2. sparky steve

    CDL addition to D2

    i do now :o i'm an auto spark , CDL means Central Door Locking in my world. sorry all feel really stupid now :o
  3. sparky steve

    suspension air compressor-i know the answer

    sounds like it needs calibrating, mine has done this before. can you get your Hawkeye to raise and lower the system? if it can then you'll need someone with a nanocom to recheck the calibration.
  4. sparky steve

    Swap aircon from breaker

    is this the dash swop all that you are doing or is it the complete A/C system your swapping over?
  5. sparky steve

    Can Disco sunroof leaks be cured?

    when i converted my manual to electric roofs, headlining out i had to replace the front roof competely, as the last owner buggered it up with sealent. so sealled the outer to the body and both roofs inner wells to the roof. cleaned and checked the drain tubes, then sealed the gap between the...
  6. sparky steve

    Electric front windows

    you will find to get the auto to work you just need to press and release the switch withing 2seconds
  7. sparky steve


    the bully would feel elated as he has boosted his low self worth..aka ego. and i'm sure that's what's happening on here, when the abuse is directed at someone else, eg bullying... the banter is just a joke or silly comment, yes it can be a little close to the bone sometimes but it's banter...
  8. sparky steve


    errr what point are you trying to make???? the example you give, isn't bullying, anger or abuse? it's a sport.. and focused aggresion is how you play the sport, everyone involved in the sport play's by the rules.. and really has nothing to do with the topic here??:confused::confused:
  9. sparky steve


    :5biagree: that's what made me start this thread a newbie was being bullied by other members, and like you I can't stand bullies or bullying, and i'll stand up and be counted to stop it...hence the thread..
  10. sparky steve


    two points to this yep your right i should have searched before posting the thread.. sorry :o but i'm human like everyone here and make mistakes second:- so why has the abuse carried on, has no one learned anything.. banter yep no problem makes LZ unique and a good place to be. but abuse (AKA...
  11. sparky steve


    does it? you may find an violence awareness course very interesting. believe me i know that the worst types of violence aren't physical...
  12. sparky steve


    :jaw: PMSL :lol::lol::clap2::clap2:
  13. sparky steve


    again a very good point here but isn't there a very fine line between banter and direct abuse? banter is taking the **** direct abuse is attack and it's this direct attacking i'm asking about. why do people feel the need?
  14. sparky steve


    funny you should say that but i've just been looking in there, it's a bloody good laugh nothing should change for just one person, only the one person should change!!
  15. sparky steve


    fair question ok yep i'm an auto sparky by training and trade. but have training, experiance, and help with a charity that helps people with violence and anger issues.. both victims and abusers.. just looking at the replys so far has made me question the psychological needs of abusers on...
  16. sparky steve


    ok i take your point, yep i have to agree with you on this, so lets see.. very interesting psychological study this
  17. sparky steve


    to get an answer, which i have.
  18. sparky steve


    i think sums up my point, there are many good people on here very happy to help and give advice, as i am, but seen quite a few threads that yes ok someone has asked a simple question and all they get is abuse, wouldn't being more constuctive be a better reply? well if anyone needs auto...
  19. sparky steve


    ok i think i have my answer can a mod please delete this thread. thanks
  20. sparky steve


    why do some members have to be so abusive? doesn't this give LandyZone a bad name? what use are these sorts of comments?