have you had abuse on here?

  • yes

    Votes: 9 29.0%
  • no

    Votes: 14 45.2%
  • give abuse

    Votes: 8 25.8%

  • Total voters
theresva difference between taking the **** out of a newby asking stupid questions and the few prolific posters who never post anything remotely useful and seem to be obsessed with anal sex and burning things whatever the subject of the thread...... .

I'm not obsessed with burning things.........
This has been covered before and has now just wasted 5 mins of what could have been a very productive morning.
I agree with the many who say do a search if you want an answer cause most things have been covered.
And stop trying to wrap us all in cotton wool I think most of the people on here are able to wipe there own bottom's.
Would of been worded different in anything goes :D
This has been covered before and has now just wasted 5 mins of what could have been a very productive morning.
I agree with the many who say do a search if you want an answer cause most things have been covered.
And stop trying to wrap us all in cotton wool I think most of the people on here are able to wipe there own bottom's.
Would of been worded different in anything goes :D

All the wusses who complain about the urine taking and name calling should have a go at working in a big workshop for a week or two, they'd be running to the bosses every ten minutes.
And the poll is flawed, should have been multi choice cos I've both received and given "abuse" ;):D:D:D
All the wusses who complain about the urine taking and name calling should have a go at working in a big workshop for a week or two, they'd be running to the bosses every ten minutes.
And the poll is flawed, should have been multi choice cos I've both received and given "abuse" ;):D:D:D
I get the joys of working with lorry drivers and the majority of them moan about everything. They don't need to have the **** taken out of them
I get the joys of working with lorry drivers and the majority of them moan about everything. They don't need to have the **** taken out of them

Mirror, indicate, murder a prostitute, kill a cyclist, murder a prostitute, eat a mars bar.
All the wusses who complain about the urine taking and name calling should have a go at working in a big workshop for a week or two, they'd be running to the bosses every ten minutes.
And the poll is flawed, should have been multi choice cos I've both received and given "abuse" ;):D:D:D
ive worked in a few ,never found it any worse than anywhere else ,some of the worst would be **** takers had the biggest issues and wernt as bad, once pointed out,
Not true. Psychological Violence is far worse than physical violence.
If yu think that anything posted on here is OTT, then click on the red triangle to report it.
I cannot stand bullying either. If you don't like it - act on it. That is the only way to stamp it out, and the only way to make the mods take notice.


that's what made me start this thread a newbie was being bullied by other members, and like you I can't stand bullies or bullying, and i'll stand up and be counted to stop it...hence the thread..
sparky steve if you want something to do keep an eye on fanatic and count how many personalities you can spot........tiz more than bipolar I tells ya

that's what made me start this thread a newbie was being bullied by other members, and like you I can't stand bullies or bullying, and i'll stand up and be counted to stop it...hence the thread..
just a late question about bullying and aggression and attacking others by any other means..

how would you describe a succesful banger racer,
or whatever you call it in your part of the country,
destroying someones car while the drivers sits inside
hopefully moving fast enough to destroy someone elses car,
but before someone else destroys your car or you while driving
around an oval raceway infront of hundreds of cheering fans.

is that aggression,
a hobby,
or sport?

what or how would you say to a "famous" banger driver,
if he done all that above quite happily,
plus much much more most weekends for 14 years.

In the need to win, the driver who showed the greatest aggresion not only won a prize, but mostly the actual race, and world title if appropiate.

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