have you had abuse on here?

  • yes

    Votes: 9 29.0%
  • no

    Votes: 14 45.2%
  • give abuse

    Votes: 8 25.8%

  • Total voters
just a late question about bullying and aggression and attacking others by any other means..

how would you describe a succesful banger racer,
or whatever you call it in your part of the country,
destroying someones car while the drivers sits inside
hopefully moving fast enough to destroy someone elses car,
but before someone else destroys your car or you while driving
around an oval raceway infront of hundreds of cheering fans.

is that aggression,
a hobby,
or sport?

what or how would you say to a "famous" banger driver,
if he done all that above quite happily,
plus much much more most weekends for 14 years.

In the need to win, the driver who showed the greatest aggresion not only won a prize, but mostly the actual race, and world title if appropiate.

errr what point are you trying to make????

the example you give, isn't bullying, anger or abuse?
it's a sport.. and focused aggresion is how you play the sport, everyone involved in the sport play's by the rules..

and really has nothing to do with the topic here??:confused::confused:
errr what point are you trying to make????

the example you give, isn't bullying, anger or abuse?
it's a sport.. and focused aggresion is how you play the sport, everyone involved in the sport play's by the rules..

and really has nothing to do with the topic here??:confused::confused:
but I think it has.

a pu$$y has not a snowball in hells chance of wining any race,
only those with built in agression succeed,
a bit like a personal goal to be set and achieved.

how does a bully feel after achieving the act of aggression on someone else, does he feel elated or sorry?
where the chuff is that? This thread should have been in anything goes....

no it shouldnt.... if it was in anything goes it would be pages of foul mouthed tirades by the usual prolific posters and which would effectivly stop anyone posting an alternative viewpoint.

if you cant produce a sensible post to support the abuse that goes on without resorting to senseless abuse youve sort of proved the op's point.
no it shouldnt.... if it was in anything goes it would be pages of foul mouthed tirades by the usual prolific posters and which would effectivly stop anyone posting an alternative viewpoint.

if you cant produce a sensible post to support the abuse that goes on without resorting to senseless abuse youve sort of proved the op's point.
I thought that we were trying to do just that.
but I think it has.

a pu$$y has not a snowball in hells chance of wining any race,
only those with built in agression succeed,
a bit like a personal goal to be set and achieved.

how does a bully feel after achieving the act of aggression on someone else, does he feel elated or sorry?

the bully would feel elated as he has boosted his low self worth..aka ego.
and i'm sure that's what's happening on here, when the abuse is directed at someone else, eg bullying...
the banter is just a joke or silly comment, yes it can be a little close to the bone sometimes but it's banter.
and to those couple of people who say i'm trying to change the forum
YOU ARE WRONG! i'm not saying the forum should change just for one person, as that would be totally wrong to do.
what i'm suggesting is that the bullying of people isn't very grown up or clever, if thats your bag well you really need help, your self-esteem must be very low..
and i do pitty you for that..

i started this thread to try to understand the "why?" well i've got my answer which is, just with the fact that people actually polled that they are abusive says it all..

so come on then bring it on if it makes you feel better, and all grown up

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