have you had abuse on here?

  • yes

    Votes: 9 29.0%
  • no

    Votes: 14 45.2%
  • give abuse

    Votes: 8 25.8%

  • Total voters
A sage piece of advice stay out of ANYTHING GOES, If your unhappy at the BANTER in the other sections you should feel pleased that the really good banter is in ANYTHING GOES.

Now if seeing off a total twerp who thinks the forum should change just for him is abuse- good riddance
(I'm talking about the ram raiding key cutter)
true ,good call but you cant translate that its good to slate every newcomer
fair question
ok yep i'm an auto sparky by training and trade.
but have training, experiance, and help with a charity that helps people with violence and anger issues.. both victims and abusers..

just looking at the replys so far has made me question the psychological needs of abusers on here... so no i'm not profiling anyone, just taken the veiws of others and trying to understand there need..
as understanding is a way to avoid conflict.
perhaps you use logic ,it can be dificult :)
true ,good call but you cant translate that its good to slate every newcomer

I think your find I have tried to help those with 1.8 k series as well:)

Now if people feel singled out then there is the report button, but to be fair if you can't handle banter then you really need another forum.

I think the figures on forum members and active users show the true story- far from dying on it's feet the forum is lively and variety of people.
I think your find I have tried to help those with 1.8 k series as well:)

Now if people feel singled out then there is the report button, but to be fair if you can't handle banter then you really need another forum.

I think the figures on forum members and active users show the true story- far from dying on it's feet the forum is lively and variety of people.

again a very good point here
but isn't there a very fine line between banter and direct abuse?
banter is taking the ****
direct abuse is attack

and it's this direct attacking i'm asking about. why do people feel the need?
again a very good point here
but isn't there a very fine line between banter and direct abuse?
banter is taking the ****
direct abuse is attack

and it's this direct attacking i'm asking about. why do people feel the need?

Maybe it is like a mob of birds protecting there territory:D
Maybe it is like a mob of birds protecting there territory:D
but its only a small number are you suggesting lz is theirs or for all that want it,considering those that contribute the most might not be allways those that give new comers the ****,not that i want to sanitize lz theres room for a good few different people
If you find any sort of interwebz behavior short of stalking an attack, then it does appear that you may have lived a sheltered life. Being attacked involves physicality.... if you're not a pussy.
seen quite a few threads that yes ok someone has asked a simple question and all they get is abuse,
wouldn't being more constuctive be a better reply?

well if anyone needs auto elctrical advice you will get a reasoned and helpful answer.

it takes a better man to post a reply that help than one that can only abuse as they must have some damage to there ego if it makes them feel better

Im a noob compared to some of these dinosaurs on ere :D, and in my short lived time on ere ive seen you original question asked many many times.

Its the same as the "whats the biggest tyres i can fit" or the "whats the best lift kit" question. It gets really, really, really, really(get it yet) really fooking boring answering the same question. :frusty:

Im sure there is leccy faults you see all the time that **** you off? maybe because some one hasnt read a manual or looked on the web for basic electrical advise before doing something?

Its the same here, There is a section thats for "new members" it says use the search button etc etc.

In a way you now fill that statistic because if you had searched you would have seen that this same topic has been covered before aswell!

inhale, exhale, and breath. Sorry about that. :eek::D

Im really bored at work, watching someone break all the lights ive spent the last week putting up! :mad:

Last little point, if i wasnt at work bored out of my mind i wouldnt have replied because its - yep you got it. Boring :D
If you find any sort of interwebz behavior short of stalking an attack, then it does appear that you may have lived a sheltered life. Being attacked involves physicality.... if you're not a pussy.

does it? you may find an violence awareness course very interesting.
believe me i know that the worst types of violence aren't physical...
Its the same here, There is a section thats for "new members" it says use the search button etc etc.

In a way you now fill that statistic because if you had searched you would have seen that this same topic has been covered before aswell!

two points to this
yep your right i should have searched before posting the thread.. sorry :eek:
but i'm human like everyone here and make mistakes

so why has the abuse carried on, has no one learned anything..
banter yep no problem makes LZ unique and a good place to be.
but abuse (AKA violence) shouldn't be a part of any forum, and people do get abuse and attacked here.
If you find any sort of interwebz behavior short of stalking an attack, then it does appear that you may have lived a sheltered life. Being attacked involves physicality.... if you're not a pussy.

Not true. Psychological Violence is far worse than physical violence.
If yu think that anything posted on here is OTT, then click on the red triangle to report it.
I cannot stand bullying either. If you don't like it - act on it. That is the only way to stamp it out, and the only way to make the mods take notice.
theresva difference between taking the **** out of a newby asking stupid questions and the few prolific posters who never post anything remotely useful and seem to be obsessed with anal sex and burning things whatever the subject of the thread...... .
Not true. Psychological Violence is far worse than physical violence.
If yu think that anything posted on here is OTT, then click on the red triangle to report it.
I cannot stand bullying either. If you don't like it - act on it. That is the only way to stamp it out, and the only way to make the mods take notice.

What he said^^^^^^^.

We don't read every single post so we may not always spot a problem. If you see a post, thread, pm or visitor message that you feel we should know about, hit the red triangle in the top right and it brings it to our attention

We'll take a look the offending item and then take action if we think it warrants it.

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