1. Adrian Flux

    1968 109 insurance

    Morning, I would be happy to get a quote arranged for you, we have a dedicated club team for our club members. Drop me a message. Many thanks Nick
  2. Adrian Flux

    Insurance renewal - what adds cost to the premium

    Happy to look into a quotation for you if you haven't tried us already.
  3. Adrian Flux

    Adrian Flux - 2.5x price increase???!?

    Hello, I will be happy to look into this for you, it may be a case that the insurer you are with are having rate increases but we are always happy yo look at alternatives for you. If you drop me a DM with your details then we can go from there. Thanks Nick
  4. Adrian Flux

    Insurance question

    Hi Ian, Thanks for the question and we should be able to offer a 'Temporary Additional Vehicle' policy for the 90 which can last up to a month or so I believe. We can then potentially look to offer you a laid-up policy whilst the 110 is Sorn'd and put the 90 on the existing 110 policy for...
  5. Adrian Flux

    Agreed Value Insurance Suggestions Please?

    Hi there, Thanks for the message and we'd be happy to provide a quotation and with an agreed valuation. if you message me your full name / contact number I can call you? Thanks, Dan
  6. Adrian Flux

    Not impressed.

    Have replied to your DM Hank Thank you
  7. Adrian Flux

    Not impressed.

    If you'd like to drop me a PM, I'd like to investigate this please. Regards Dan
  8. Adrian Flux

    21% price hike on renewal quote???

    Hi there, Sorry to learn of the dissatisfaction about the increase in the renewal. Without wishing to discuss on the open forum I believe that you have since made contact with our renewals department and our premium is nearer to last years? Admittedly there is a slight increase, although...
  9. Adrian Flux

    Fuelling Around - New motoring podcast

    Afternoon For those that may be interested, we have a new motoring podcast series floating around. Click any of the below for a listen https://audioboom.com/channels/5027534 https://open.spotify.com/show/12ZqnO1XDmuYmFxuwJqDta?si=j4cei5yxTziz-pj5cPcfeg Thanks Dan
  10. Adrian Flux

    Rac wont insure

    If you'd like to drop me a DM, I'll see what we can offer you? Regards Dan
  11. Adrian Flux

    What's the best option.?

    Hi Steve We offer multi vehicle policies if you'd like us to have a look for you? Just drop me a PM Regards Dan
  12. Adrian Flux

    Defender Insurance 2011

    Hi Jonny Have you given us a try? Feel free to PM some detail and I can arrange a quote. Regards Dan
  13. Adrian Flux

    Insurance for 18yo

    Hi Chills Drop us a PM with detail and we'll try and assist Regards Dan
  14. Adrian Flux

    Landyzone members, Adrian Flux and Covid-19.........

    Hi Landyzone members,' We hope you're staying safe during the current situation and just to let you know Adrian Flux and Bikesure are still very much open and operating our business as usual wherever possible. Our quotes team will be on hand for any new quotations as per the below:- Monday –...
  15. Adrian Flux

    Classic Insurance

    Hi Steve, Thanks for the message and we will have a number of our insurers that will cover the Range Rover P38 under a classic scheme. However, the risk does have to invariably meet a classic policy - limited mileage, no business usage, garaged if in a higher risk area. By all means give us a...
  16. Adrian Flux

    Modified Vehicle Insurance

    Hi there, Have you tried us here at Adrian Flux Insurance? We tend to like modified stuff as do our underwriters. If you'd like a call-back to discuss please message me your full name and a contact telephone number and I can arrange. Thanks. Dan
  17. Adrian Flux

    Adrian Flux

    Hi Tom, If you could possibly message me your full name / postcode and I can speak to our claims department. If it is possible to claim under your policy we can then contact you. Kind Regards, Dan
  18. Adrian Flux

    Freelander Insurance Renewal with Adrian Flux

    We have unmodified 2004 mk 1 freelander TD4 Auto. Insured last year with LV because was a change of vehicle midterm. At renewal this year, premium had increased by over £120 to £459. That's for 2 x 50yr olds both employed living in a low rated post code driving a 15yr old vehicle, with full...
  19. Adrian Flux

    agreed valuations

    Hi there, Thanks for the message and our agreed valuation department are generally flexible as to the valuation placed on a vehicle. However we are continually audited by our underwriters and they will pinpoint a valuation that is out of kilter with the rest of the market. We do fully...
  20. Adrian Flux

    Trailer hire insurance

    Hi there, We do offer trailer cover as per our website below, although we wouldn't really do on a temporary basis:- https://www.adrianflux.co.uk/trailer-insurance/ You might find the cover is competitively priced however that you could keep running for the full policy term. Thanks. Dan