Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!
Im posting this as I suffer from Tinnitus and have difficulty using the phone.
First I am an Adrian Flux customer, with a 96 defender 90 300tdi, Comp cover
At 1,00am approx. on Sunday morning my defender was stolen off my driveway. My wife heard it start and immediately called the police. Who were first class. By 1,20am they had stopped the thief and had my defender.
I haven't seen the car but the officers told me the locks had been forced and 3 possible 4 tyres had been scraped due to the use of a stinger. the car was recovered and kept for forensic testing.
My question is can I claim for the tyres, cost of recovery and transport to a tyre fitter.
Thank you, I look forward to hearing your advice.
Tom Greaves
Hi Tom,

If you could possibly message me your full name / postcode and I can speak to our claims department. If it is possible to claim under your policy we can then contact you.

Kind Regards,

Well had the damage assessor out today,,,,,, not looking good, hes talking write off. After all the work ive done and money spent ill not be able to replace it on the insurance pay out. the chasse replacement alone was £4900 and that was just the start . once again the shyt gobbling low life win. The Saudis have it right lop a few hands off,,, infact why stop at hands .... Yes im having a rant, in fact im well pizzed off, I bet the scumbag will get told not be a naughty boy and slapped on the wrist,, The do gooders and bleeding hearts let them get away with it everytime,,,, oh its a shame hes a junky,,,,,, it wasn't his fault he was drunk cos hes stress out,,,,,,,,, what about my *ucking stress...................................

Sorry All was just venting my spleen,,,,,,,, been ranting at the dog all day , poor little bugger hasn't a clue what its all about,,,,,, guess its treats and belly rubs after tea, lol cant buy her a bunch of flowers :(
Have you looked/seen the motor?
Bet you could salvage it;)
If they were still driving it this would show all
Could be good.
yes it was stung but tyres/rims replaceable.
Good luck
Don’t forget flux are on the site
Well yes I guess if it was summer and I wasn't pushing 70 I could repair it,,, it seems to me it not the extent of the damage but the cost compared to the value of the motor. To me its priceless no matter what the pay out is it cant replace it,,, like I said the chasse alone cost me £4900 last Christmas the seats another £400 tyres 500 plus discs callipers, radiator knuckle joints hub bearing I could go on.
Flux,,, to be fair they have been fine so far,,, lets see what money does to that
So there is a lot of damage then?
I know what you mean by cost compared to value.
Which side of the midlands do you live
Without giving too much away.
Hello again Phill
No secret matey im in the middle Birmingham, lol ( no mans land )
Yes the main cost are bonnet tyres and wheel / wheels, it was stopped by a stinger so don't really know the full damage to the wheels, all I know for sure is one wheel and tyre are scrap and two more are leaking air
Hello again Phill
No secret matey im in the middle Birmingham, lol ( no mans land )
Yes the main cost are bonnet tyres and wheel / wheels, it was stopped by a stinger so don't really know the full damage to the wheels, all I know for sure is one wheel and tyre are scrap and two more are leaking air

here you go....
I’m sure between us/all my Birmingham landrover family I could come up with 5 steel rims but you supply the tyres
I could go out into my garden & find a 110 early straight bonnet.
I could travel up see my family & spanner if you need.
It’s a small world we live in people will help to Keep landrovers alive.

Oh I originate between the village of chocolate & the land of the metro;)
Hello again Phill
No secret matey im in the middle Birmingham, lol ( no mans land )
Yes the main cost are bonnet tyres and wheel / wheels, it was stopped by a stinger so don't really know the full damage to the wheels, all I know for sure is one wheel and tyre are scrap and two more are leaking air

Doesn't sound a lot of damage tbh shame if they write it off for an uneconomical repairs can you not buy the salvage
here you go....
I’m sure between us/all my Birmingham landrover family I could come up with 5 steel rims but you supply the tyres
I could go out into my garden & find a 110 early straight bonnet.
I could travel up see my family & spanner if you need.
It’s a small world we live in people will help to Keep landrovers alive.

Oh I originate between the village of chocolate & the land of the metro;)

This is why I love landyzone ;)
What can I say, overwhelmed,, cheers Phill, I need to get an answer back from the insures as to are they writing off and can I buy back, but ill keep this at the front of my knocking block.
I know whats bumping this up so much, they base things on Rover prices,,, and we all know about main stealers, been pricing things up and the best price I could find for a bonnet was £970, don't take long the tot up a write off.................. Just been on the blower to a mate, his advice was buy a Toyota,,,,,,,,, he don't understand, its more than just a motor or a make its the people that are involved.
Thank you All, ill keep you posted, and I promise not to whinge or rant .
What bonnet is it your after?
(Just in case ;))
I have some spares scattered all over the place & spanner time is offered. I can visit parents/friends so a trip would never be wasted.
My SIL is good with spanner’s & is still Birmingham based.
Keep us all informed :)
Well ten days since the assessor came still nothing to report :(. Something that surprised was the value Defenders carry, when I bought her the idea was she would see me in my box, never gave resale a thought before lol not thinking it now but do think if its not written off I need to update the value
PS, Just a thought,,,, I wonder how long it would take if the insurers were paying the £65/day storage,,,,,, maybe I should have left it with the recovers,, lol would have been £650 up their chuff................ So come on Trinity Lane ive saved you money how about you getting your finger out
Latest update.
Letter this morning from Hadleigh Claims Management ( Trinity Lane ) Asking for :
Original V5,
Purchase receipt,
Service history,
Copy of card license ???
DVLA share code ?????
Before they will pay out on total loss. No mention of pay out value, no mention of buy back. To send them all this is signing a blank cheque. They could send me £50 quid and I cant argue with it... I think this is the start a long argument . Cant phone them till Monday but I bet when I do I get a pre-programmed pencil neck...........
As for taking a leap of faith and sending the stuff................. ROFL........ and theres fairies at the bottom of my garden.
Well we will see what Monday brings, my feeling is, this will get kicked around till it gets loss under the carpet, don't know why I just got an uneasy feeling

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