1. gummy bear

    Building my rollcage

    Sweet as : )
  2. gummy bear

    Breaking Thor 4.0

    Only engine being broken.
  3. gummy bear

    Breaking Thor 4.0

    Hi all Just swapped engines in my p38 due to cracked liner And will be salvaging what ever parts I can. Will have pair of cylinder heads £200 with certificate from engineers to say been pressure tested etc. Also crankshaft for £100 Plus any other bits that are good,no air con...
  4. gummy bear

    Building my rollcage

    Looks a lot better in the flesh : ))
  5. gummy bear

    Difference between Thor and gems blocks

    Well thanks for your replies : ) tomorow is the day,gonna start it,fingers crossed. Will put progress up as I can. Thanks again landyzone'rs
  6. gummy bear

    Building my rollcage

    Looking sweet : ) try and keep spring at bottom of aerial below roof then should never break : ) hopefully.
  7. gummy bear

    Difference between Thor and gems blocks

    Anymore info much appreciated : )
  8. gummy bear

    Difference between Thor and gems blocks

    Many thanks : )
  9. gummy bear

    Difference between Thor and gems blocks

    I hope so as I will have both front covers : )
  10. gummy bear

    Difference between Thor and gems blocks

    Hi all I have a w reg 4.0 with a knackered engine(was going to convert to diesel but too much work) so I'm looking at a straight engine replacement.as I say I have a 4.0 Thor and have been offered a 4.0 gems,guy selling tells me the block etc is same and all I have to do is swap ancillaries...
  11. gummy bear

    Petrol to diesel conversion

    Yea,does sound good but def getting feeling it will be too much work : (
  12. gummy bear

    Petrol to diesel conversion

    Yea it was my disco that we bob tailed but tbh I didn't do much as my brother (Matt) is the technical one (and ian)so I just did as I was told lol. Thinking of shelving it now and just getting a recon 4.0 Thor as its seeming like this gonna be one hell of a head ache,just thought a 2.5 dhse...
  13. gummy bear

    Petrol to diesel conversion

    Getting scared lol,cheers for quick replies.
  14. gummy bear

    Petrol to diesel conversion

    Hi all I'm after some advice : ) Have looked on forums but can't find wot I'm after. What I want to do is convert my 4.0 2000 Rangie to a 2.5diesel. The 4.0 petrol (LPG) has just done cylinder so I have bought a complete p38 diesel (bonus is the diesel is manual). I want to convert it so...
  15. gummy bear

    Building my rollcage

    Looking very nice:)
  16. gummy bear

    Disco Bobtail home build

    Yea,I wanted to keep back seats as I take my family out in it aswell : )
  17. gummy bear

    Disco Bobtail home build

    Lrdisco93,16-17 seems quite a lot as think we only ended up taking about 14 off of mine (sure Matt will correct me if I'm wrong lol) and tbh I wouldn't want to go much shorter as this has allowed for a very steep departure angle etc and the other thing to bear in mind is your boot space and...
  18. gummy bear

    Disco Bobtail home build

    Well be starting all over again soon tho,won't we ? Thought yours was next for chop ??
  19. gummy bear

    Discovery Rust - Boot, Sills and Wings

    Right,come on then.christmas is done,back to it ; )
  20. gummy bear

    Discovery Rust - Boot, Sills and Wings

    Sounds interesting mr hornet ; ) I got a mate with a standard disco,u want me to measure/take piccy etc ??