1. T

    Steve Graham Services - help

    I recieved a package from him today, Yay :D but it contained a pair of gun holders from a gun rack! Boo :( I wonder who has been sent my D-rings? On the bright side it does show that he exists and give me some hope.
  2. T

    How can I make my series lower

    I measured it this morning on my way into work and it was 2.00m at the lowest. It actually sloped from one side to the other with the pitch of the flat roof!! Work have kindly donated me a set of worn out rangemasters that I can get stuck on the current rims and run at vrtually flat...
  3. T

    How can I make my series lower

    Does the 15" range rover rims really work or are you pulling my leg??
  4. T

    Towing a series

    If I thought as you seem to think I do then why am I going to the expense of paying to get it shifted? In my line of work what can go wrong frequently does go wrong so I live daily with lack of certainly and security! I admit that when I was first looking at the problem (and when I posted...
  5. T

    How can I make my series lower

    I have just been offered the use of a garage to do that work I need to on my SIII but the door is only 2.00m high. I think it is probably a bit too low for my hard topped SWB SIII. I can't measure her directly at the moment as she's on someone elses drive. Are there any smaller wheels...
  6. T

    Towing a series

    So it IS about being legal and insured or being illegal and uninsured ;) I'm sure you'll agree that accidents will happen whether you are insured or not. The difference is the affect that it has on other peoples lives i.e whether they will be looked after through the insurance. I agree...
  7. T

    Towing a series

    Success - I have found a fella to shift it one evening for £50.00 cash in hand. Friend of one of the other people I called and he actually called me having been given my details. Slob - what are you trying to say? Whether the girls on the quad bikes had valid insurance or not seems to be...
  8. T

    Towing a series

    The problem is that I can only collect the landy on Satruday afternoon after 3pm. Because I'll end up 25 miles from the hire shop with the trailer by the time I have dropped the landy etc I can't get it back by closing time on Saturday. They don't open Sunday for returns so Monday morning is...
  9. T

    Towing a series

    Well you'll all be glad to know that I have spent some time making a few call this afternoon looking for another solution. I can't find anyone to shift it for me at the time I need to move it (after 3pm on Saturday) without wanting silly amounts of money. Even in the morning and all of the...
  10. T

    Towing a series

    No, no and no. I have heard this before but I'm willing to take the risk to be honest. Being spotted by the police is also pretty unlikely given the route we will be using and being stopped is even less likely. If stopped by the plod I will claim that I thought it was the same principle...
  11. T

    Towing a series

    The D rings may never turn up as I am having contact issues with the seller, and now I can't wait as I bought her best part of a month ago and she is still sitting on the sellers drive. I think I will have to go with the pin hitch on the front bumper. I've always got a spare to swap over...
  12. T

    Towing a series

    Hi, I have done a search but it hasn't shown up what I was after. I need to tow my new Land Rover back from the chap I bought it from, to where I am planning on keeping it ~10 miles or so. I don't have the time to faff about getting a trailer this weekend, though I used one to haul my other...
  13. T

    Steve Graham Services - help

    Yep - I've just read through the bits on Paypal and it looks like I've got up to 45 days to register a complaint. Then I have a futher 20 days from the date of registration for it to be resolved between us or it then gets looked at by Paypal. What a pain in the arse!
  14. T

    Steve Graham Services - help

    Cheers guys. If the cut off is 30 days have you got any idea of the minimum?
  15. T

    New SIII owner in the Bristol/West Wilts area

    He's been stuck on a job since early March and was on Hols all of last week. Definitely still alive though as his landy has turned up in the front yard at work this morning.
  16. T

    Steve Graham Services - help

    Hi all, Just want to pick peoples brains regarding this outfit. I have recently (8 days ago) won an ebay auction run by this seller. Having one I immediately payed by Paypal. As of yet there has been no sign of my item and all attempts at contact have failed. I really wanted the item...
  17. T

    New SIII owner in the Bristol/West Wilts area

    Hi all, I joined some time ago but have really only been skulking on the forum for a couple of months now I guess. I have never owned a Land Rover before but have had a lot of fun playing with a SIII belonging to a friend. Anyhow I have taken the plunge a bought myself not one but TWO SWB...
  18. T

    First Landie

    You'll always get water out of the exhaust as it is formed by the combustion of the petrol and oxygen. Petrol and oxygen goes in - carbon dioxide and water (plus other partial conmbustion products) come out. You get a lot more water droplets when the exhaust is cold as the vapour condenses...