
New Member
Hi all,

Just want to pick peoples brains regarding this outfit.

I have recently (8 days ago) won an ebay auction run by this seller. Having one I immediately payed by Paypal.

As of yet there has been no sign of my item and all attempts at contact have failed. I really wanted the item quickly hence I paid slightly more than I really wanted to just to make sure I won the auction.

I have found a phone number from the Steve Graham Services website but apparently it doesn't accept incoming calls.

After I bid I noticed that this sellers previously perfect feedback rating was taking a bit of a battering with 2 negatives for poor communications and long delays just over the past few days.

I have emailed the seller and asked them to either ship the item of give me a refund so that I may look elsewhere but guess what? No reply :(

Any body deal with them regularly or have any other contact numbers? I'd be willing to accept the delays if only I had a bit of an update and explanation.

Thanks in advance,

contact paypal after the specified time and they will try to contact the seller if they have no luck yule get a refund.
ave had to do this twice and both times gort a refund fairly quickly
Yep - I've just read through the bits on Paypal and it looks like I've got up to 45 days to register a complaint. Then I have a futher 20 days from the date of registration for it to be resolved between us or it then gets looked at by Paypal.

What a pain in the arse!
it only takes that long if there the dispute had been replied to by him and they will leave it open to be resolved.
I recieved a package from him today, Yay :D

but it contained a pair of gun holders from a gun rack! Boo :(

I wonder who has been sent my D-rings?

On the bright side it does show that he exists and give me some hope.
I recieved a package from him today, Yay :D

but it contained a pair of gun holders from a gun rack! Boo :(

I wonder who has been sent my D-rings?

On the bright side it does show that he exists and give me some hope.

How much d'ya want for the gun holders? :D

Mr Slob is right: the Paypal dispute policy is well established and very effective. By paying with Paypal you effectively have a money-back guarentee when things go wrong.

Be careful leaving negative feedback though... my 100% feedback was lost when I left a negative for someone - he immediately retaliated back, then immediately cancelled his eBay membership! Despite this, eBay refuse to cancel my negative........ it's still there to this day. Bastards.
Yup same here, for me and loads of people trying get a Wii on fleabay (my own stupid fault i know), It was over a month and meself and loads of people gave up (kept in contact) all did disputes (strange how nothing happened when nearly 20 at once over same items didnt spark somethin with ebay though....) then we all left negative feedback, we all got negative "transaction cancelled" as soon as the refunds turned up a day later...........

Then recently i got an email off them trying to remove the negative, offering a discount or a tenner.......... yeh right!!!
I've bought enough to show a shoddy negative is bugger all.

One bloke wouldnt answer anythin of mine after trying to contact him 4 ways for 3 weeks, (bull bar and side steps won for £30....) i gave up, (hadnt paid through paypal thankfully) as soon as i gave negative, i got one back saying "bad manners, a nasty huffy character, gave details no response"...................... Some people just dont have a clue!
folk ah left neutral cause some arse wint answer me question, he only wint and left me negative. had another tulip bid more than he wanted then accused me of getting a mate to bump the price up. even though he later admitted asmuch in an email they still refused to take it off.

or the one that left neg cos he reckon the stuff had got broken in transit without even attempting to contact me first

so like yer say 2 or 3 negs dint mean folk all.

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