thas a very good point, Griffy - actually No - coz ever since I made the tow bar - i int used it - but i int complainin.
Hmmmm, more jest grateful that since yer made yer tow bar we int had ter tow yer.........................jest jack yer fekin motor up ter change bastid wheels in the most awkward bits of lane yer can bleedin' find!
I do like to give ya'll a challenge. gorra keep ya on ya toes.............

mind yu - if yu buggers had listened to me first - i wud have bin on the flat.:rolleyes:
straight barring it will minimise the risk to yourself and others, but you are stiff running the risk of getting the insurance book chucked at ya if you get stopped.

you can hire my trailer for £5.00 but its heavy and miles away. I reckon you'd spend £65 in fuel getting it collected!

What about towing dollies, what are the rules for them?

If it drives I think you are running the same risk driving it as you are towing it (ie no tax insurance mot etc)

shell out on a trailer, if you get it for cheap you will make your money back. shop around for a trailer as well, see ifthere is one near where youare picking it up so you can drive there empty, I know its mor emiles, but petrol / diesel is cheaper than trailer hire sometimes
Pay the £75 it's a lot cheaper than renting a trailer by the time you have paid for 4 trips worth of fuel collecting and returning the trailer
Then there is insurance, number plates and tie down straps as additional costs.
The scrappy will come with all that and a winch to drag it up on to his wagon.
Look I had this problem last year and £75 is a great deal.

As for towing dollies and bars you have to have all for wheels off the ground if it dosent have insurance, MOT, Tax and it has to be in a road leagle condition.
just tow the thing with the solid bar and be done with it. its only 10mile! im sure all the wrinklies on here have done this at least once before in their long long lifetime... ey' MHM?


just wait till you end up having a accident with an uninsured driver then we'll see if yer so keen on encouraging them
Success - I have found a fella to shift it one evening for £50.00 cash in hand. Friend of one of the other people I called and he actually called me having been given my details.

Slob - what are you trying to say? Whether the girls on the quad bikes had valid insurance or not seems to be irrelevant in this case. That was the point you were making earlier wasn't it?

What their parents were responsible for was intrinsically dangerous and I just cannot accept that towing a Land Rover using suitable fixings and equipment (2 tow hitches and a solid bar) behind a suitable tow vehicle is in the same league of irresponsibility.

I agree it is not legal and hence it invalidates your insurance but does that make it intrinsically dangerous?

I passed my driving test after the 1st January 1997 and as a consequence have had to sit a separate test to gain Part E of my license which allows me to tow a trailer with a MAM in excess of 750kg. If I had not done so it would be illegal for me to tow anything but a small trailer. If I had towed a larger trailer would that have made me more dangerous than someone who passed before 1st January 1997? Of course not, but it would certainly have invalidated my insurance.

I agree that having valid insurance is important and it was the fact that my friend would have also had invalidated insurance that caused me to reassess my options and find a legal route.

I take it you have never once broken the legal speed limit (even a bit by mistake) to avoid potentially invalidating your insurance?
Success - I have found a fella to shift it one evening for £50.00 cash in hand. Friend of one of the other people I called and he actually called me having been given my details.

Slob - what are you trying to say? Whether the girls on the quad bikes had valid insurance or not seems to be irrelevant in this case. That was the point you were making earlier wasn't it?

the point is dad thought it was ok to break the law as it was a quiet stretch of road . its pretty much the same thing " oh its just a short distance! nowt can happen!" attitude

it does happen, in his case it was him and his that suffered, usually its others that suffer because of folk doing irresponsible stuff

What their parents were responsible for was intrinsically dangerous and I just cannot accept that towing a Land Rover using suitable fixings and equipment (2 tow hitches and a solid bar) behind a suitable tow vehicle is in the same league of irresponsibility.

of course it is
I agree it is not legal and hence it invalidates your insurance but does that make it intrinsically dangerous?

can you garentee that nothing will happen while yer uninsured

I passed my driving test after the 1st January 1997 and as a consequence have had to sit a separate test to gain Part E of my license which allows me to tow a trailer with a MAM in excess of 750kg. If I had not done so it would be illegal for me to tow anything but a small trailer. If I had towed a larger trailer would that have made me more dangerous than someone who passed before 1st January 1997? Of course not, but it would certainly have invalidated my insurance.

I agree that having valid insurance is important and it was the fact that my friend would have also had invalidated insurance that caused me to reassess my options and find a legal route.

nevermind that the vehicle is probably unroadworthy and may have dangerous faults with brakes or more importantly in this case steering.
not to mention brake and indicator lights for the benefit of those behind you

I take it you have never once broken the legal speed limit (even a bit by mistake) to avoid potentially invalidating your insurance?

there is a big difference between that and deliberatly setting off knowing you are uninsured

its not about being legal or not, its about the effect on others lives IF/WHEN you are involved in an accident.
Have you any idea of the numbers of unisured drivers that are involved in accidents?
accidents they thought wouldn't happen as its only a short distance.

accidents that leave others ****ed up for life. with little compo because the fool thought it doesn't matter its only a short distance and i've past my test.
its not about being legal or not, its about the effect on others lives IF/WHEN you are involved in an accident.
Have you any idea of the numbers of unisured drivers that are involved in accidents?
accidents they thought wouldn't happen as its only a short distance.

So it IS about being legal and insured or being illegal and uninsured ;)

I'm sure you'll agree that accidents will happen whether you are insured or not. The difference is the affect that it has on other peoples lives i.e whether they will be looked after through the insurance. I agree that that is important and low an behold I am taking a legal route. That doesn't mean to say that I think what I had proposed to do was unsafe.

I still don't agree with your comments on towing a landrover being as irresponsible as letting your kids out on the road on quad bikes but we'll have to differ on that matter.
aye ah knew you wint be able to see the similarities with the two.

both cases are a case of folk thinking " its ok its only fera short distance nothing can go wrong"
Dunt be too hard on him, he obviously hasn't had your experience where absolute certainty and security never happens.
If I thought as you seem to think I do then why am I going to the expense of paying to get it shifted?

In my line of work what can go wrong frequently does go wrong so I live daily with lack of certainly and security!

I admit that when I was first looking at the problem (and when I posted the original post) I wanted a quick solution and I'd not considerd the fact that towing the Land Rover might be illegal.

When I searched the forum I came across a few posts from Clives amongst others which threw up the issue. Then I thought only of the risk to myself and my friend i.e. the consequences of getting caught and fined and all that goes with it. A pretty low risk and one that on its own I might have been willing to take.

It was only when the lack of insurance and the possible implications with respect to other road users etc were mentioned that it set me considering the wider implications of my actions and bought about my change of heart. It seems obvious now but isn't that always the case in hindsight?

Does that mean that the physical activity of towing the vehicle was inherently dangerous and likely to lead to an accident? Not in my opinion. But it does show that the implications of any accident, however likely, are not worth the risk. Hence why I am getting it taken home on a low loader.

Does that seem an unreasonable chain of thought? Havn't I come to a reasonble conclusion?
ceptin fer the bit about towing not being dangerous, but yer getting the idea so i'll leave you to ponder how towing a vehicle, speshilly one with no MOT might be dangerous.
slob your a stub-born bastid ;)

...With deadful spelling!!:)

I have to say i didn't know that towing a landy with a fixed bar was illegal.

I too would have done it!

I also agree that in no way can it be associated with the quad bike levels of irresponsibility. Thats a completely different kettle of fish!!

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