
New Member
Hi all,

I joined some time ago but have really only been skulking on the forum for a couple of months now I guess. I have never owned a Land Rover before but have had a lot of fun playing with a SIII belonging to a friend.

Anyhow I have taken the plunge a bought myself not one but TWO SWB SIIIs - one is a truck cap and the other a hard top. Both a bit shonky in their own ways but I am looking forward to building one decent one out of the two. Should be quite different to the 205s that I am used to pulling to pieces - for a start I can't get over the fact that you don't have to jack it up to get under it!

Luckily (unluckily ;) ) I actually work with Griffdowg down in Briszl so I'm used to getting about in Td5 or puma powered Defenders. Bit of a difference to the 2.25 Diesel I have to look forward to!

Anyway that's enough about me. I promise to get a couple of pics up after I have picked up the second landy over the weekend.


fookinell, norra nuvva wun wiv an ology?

welcome to loonyzone.

where is griffdawg anyways - aint sin im lately?
he aint fetched this he camp in wales......
oh aye - probly goort lorst somwheres, else Yella's got him chained up in his shed as a plaything... (he likes em young dunt he?):eek: :eek:
He's been stuck on a job since early March and was on Hols all of last week.
Definitely still alive though as his landy has turned up in the front yard at work this morning.

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