1. K

    Speed sensor issues

    The speedometer on my 300Tdi has packed up. After much swearing and contortionism, I got the unit off, cleaned it, cleaned the contacts on the plug and reassembled it all. Before re-fitting to the car, we spun it round with the drill and registered 50mph on the speedo! Excellent :) But...
  2. K

    Returning to the green oval - buying advice for Disco TDi in Slough

    Ooops - slight mis-type! Edited it to make sense... To clarify - would love another 'fender, but the Disco is better value and more practical as a car to take mates to the pub in etc. Current plan is to buy a Disco 1 and then save for a series later on as a fun motor.
  3. K

    Returning to the green oval - buying advice for Disco TDi in Slough

    Hello all. I was previously active on the forum when I had my then pride and joy, a Defender 110. Unfortunately, it was stolen after just a 6 month period and burnt out. The insurance compnay stiffed me a a little, and it's taken 3 years to build up the spare cash and no claims to be able to...
  4. K

    Should I buy a Disco 1?

    Cheers for all the advice folks. Looks like I've actually managed to get my research about discos about right. Will drop the budget back to £1500-£1800, with £700 or so left over for sorting it out and tweaking it a little for greenlaning. I've also got a little savings account for running...
  5. K

    Should I buy a Disco 1?

    Hi - I was a member a few years ago - I had a 110 Defender at the time, which I spent a small fortune imporving and repairing, only for it to be stolen and the insurers stitch me up. Sadly, I've had to drive a cheap but dull Focus for a few years o get some no claims built up and am looking at...
  6. K

    Red 110 Stolen in basingstoke

    Insurance are paying out, then hiking the premiums up - was on the limit affording running costs and such, but the premiums will more than double after this claim and another going through the system, leaving me with no slack for unforseen problems, so just can't justify another landy - will use...
  7. K

    Red 110 Stolen in basingstoke

    Just realised I haven't been and and thanked people. Although I'll not be able to get her back in one piece, or afford to replace her, at least forum member's open eyes have been able to find what happened and got the insurance ball rolling. Big thanks madhat and others, much appreciated - see...
  8. K

    Red 110 Stolen in basingstoke

    Called police - they attended it this morning and are awaiting the council to recover it, so post pics if you wish, MUCHO thanks for your help in locating mate, at least I can get the insurance sorted now.... Worst part is, this coupled with a couple of minor claims last yeat means there is...
  9. K

    Red 110 Stolen in basingstoke

    Anyone got an exactish location - called police, but they won't go and look for it without and exact location being given. FFS, there's only two roads in bloody bramley....
  10. K

    Red 110 Stolen in basingstoke

    Almost certainly mine - fi'ng gutted......
  11. K

    Disco on a Budget

    Ooops, slight typo there .....
  12. K

    Disco on a Budget

    Seeing as my 110 is being stolen, and presuming the insurance goes through okay, I'm looking at replacement options. I'm seriously considering not getting another 110, and replacing it with a cheap disco for a few years as a better commute/greenlane compromise, especially as I could use the...
  13. K

    Red 110 Stolen in basingstoke

    Phoned the police and insurance, will work through the local garages now....
  14. K

    Red 110 Stolen in basingstoke

    Thanks fella - much appreciated. Just cycled round the whole estate just in case, neighbiurs notcied it gone @ 5am (was there @9pm). Any other places you can think of to post up in the vain hope it's not being stripped for spares ATM? Thank god I took most of my fishing gear out last night....
  15. K

    Red 110 Stolen in basingstoke

    From Oakridge Area: Sometime last night,
  16. K

    Intermittent starting problem

    Not when left for a while, and sure it's not the battery, as it turns nicely when it does fire, and generally fires staright away, just the occasional problem. Feels to me like a loose contact somewhere, or something sticking in the solenoid... but I know very little about electrics.
  17. K

    Intermittent starting problem

    My 110 300RTdi is getting a little temperemental starting. Most times she fires up first go, but every now and then a few goes aere needed, with just a loud click when trying to start. Leave it a few minutes, swear a bit, and it works fine....
  18. K

    Why do we like these Land Rovers? lmao

    Bought myself a 110 in September after wanting it for 30 years or so since I was 4! So far, it's cost me a fortune - two sets ofwheel bearings, umpteen minor repairs, two trips on an AA recovery wagon, 30+ hours of tinkering and several kinned knuckles. It's cold as hell in the winter, noisy...
  19. K

    What land rover have you seen today.

    There's one kept in Basingstoke too - sandy yellow colour.
  20. K

    Battery Box & Mud

    Batteries need venting - but check around the compartment - mine was full of little holes and tended to fill with water. Took a long afternoon with the fibreglass and patched them up, just the "official" holes at the top now! Could you fashion a removeable plug that could be put in just for...