Kevin Winter

New Member
Hello all. I was previously active on the forum when I had my then pride and joy, a Defender 110. Unfortunately, it was stolen after just a 6 month period and burnt out. The insurance compnay stiffed me a a little, and it's taken 3 years to build up the spare cash and no claims to be able to come back into the fold.

Much as I would love another Defender, the costs of a decent one are outside my budget. I've got £3000 or so stashed away, with access to another £1000 if needed. My thinking is around £2000 will buy me a reasonable Discovery with a 300TDi, and leave a sizeable chunk for any work that needs doing, and perhaps a little upgrading. This seems the most cost effective way back into ownership, with a greenlane capable motor.

So (with apologies for starting a new thread, but one of the Qs is geographical) a couple of questions:

1 Is my thinking re costs reasonable?

2 Are there any good sources of advice on viewing and buying out there?

3 Can anyone reccomend a dealership or similar around Slough that is worth looking at?

4 Are there any owners clubs or similar in the area

5 A cheeky one - but is there a Disco owner in the Slough area who would let me look over their vehicle so I don't look clueless when viewing on my own?

With many thanks in advance!
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Stay away from dealers they'll shove 35 to 50 percent on to the real value of a disco. Try Ebay or Autotrader. Always hpi em and always take someone else who knows what to look for, And never let your heart rule your head. if it's not mint don't buy it.

Lots of advice on here on what to look for when buying em. & I'm sure there's a few members near you. Who'll come and have a look at any that take your fancy.
Im confused you say you want a disco in your title but a defender in your question ?

Ooops - slight mis-type! Edited it to make sense...

To clarify - would love another 'fender, but the Disco is better value and more practical as a car to take mates to the pub in etc. Current plan is to buy a Disco 1 and then save for a series later on as a fun motor.

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