1. V8Jay

    Stopping thieving bastards.

    really I wouldnt and I work there :eek:
  2. V8Jay

    My little beasty!

    what have i missed ???
  3. V8Jay

    quick photo of my new landy!!

  4. V8Jay


    One word ....................Knob
  5. V8Jay

    disco jurking

    try the disco section
  6. V8Jay

    !!!!!hawkeye for use in ipswich!!!!

    No its not a witch hunt, your new on the forum and you dive right in with "use my hawkeye but for a fee" And as for working for land rover I bet your full of ****, plus you would have wanted money for the help So in true LZ form FOOK OFF
  7. V8Jay

    swap my disco for 3.0 v6 pajero??

    Yeah I would mate, the less ****ers on here the better ta ta
  8. V8Jay

    Looking at buying

    try this -http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f8/what-check-when-buying-discovery-131000.html
  9. V8Jay

    new to a rangey

  10. V8Jay


    Think your on the wrong site here try this MenChats.com - A Gay Chat Community - Free Text and Webcam Chat - or :welcome2:
  11. V8Jay

    Hello from somerset

    Thats a shame but chin up, landy's never die
  12. V8Jay

    Rangey owner to be.

    If i were you, id take that pic off:D:D Or and :welcome2:
  13. V8Jay

    my arse is sore

    Mrs Ed????????? Whats her teeth like
  14. V8Jay

    defender stolen. im very lucky

    You think:rolleyes:
  15. V8Jay

    sourcing a bonnet

    thats a great help lol :D
  16. V8Jay

    MPH to get best MPG

    what to shag his dead mother :eek::D:p
  17. V8Jay

    MPH to get best MPG

    :pop2::pop2: Please tell me this aint another A hole, going on about MPG!!!! FFS get a push a bike
  18. V8Jay

    Green lanes

    you "wont" or you "want to"
  19. V8Jay

    300tdi MPG final verdict

    Thats no way to talk about your wife :D
  20. V8Jay

    have a word

    silly money