What a ****ing prick.
The admin must realise that responses like you gave is the reason new people dont join forums like this because of ****ing big hard bastards like you.

Oi, mate, such strong language is not nice. Expecially being rude to senior members. Such an ass like you cant just open his ****ing mouth and spill his faggot thoughts out like that insulting well known and very friendly members.

Thats still the biggest LR forum AFAIK, so **** off. If you dont mind.
What a ****ing prick.
The admin must realise that responses like you gave is the reason new people dont join forums like this because of ****ing big hard bastards like you.

Ah FFS stop ya whining Bitch!!
Oi, mate, such strong language is not nice. Expecially being rude to senior members. Such an ass like you cant just open his ****ing mouth and spill his faggot thoughts out like that insulting well known and very friendly members.

Yeah...i'm a shining light of human warmth. An example others should follow. :D:D

No dont......I'm bored :D

Yes, me too. I'm just laughing all over the place beacause of this faggot. Poor beggar is insulted being called ugly. He can be happy I didnt start to call him dumb yet.

Just imagine, an ugly, dumb faggot...
Yes, me too. I'm just laughing all over the place beacause of this faggot. Poor beggar is insulted being called ugly. He can be happy I didnt start to call him dumb yet.

Just imagine, an ugly, dumb faggot...

Yep, thank goodness theres only one of you.

looks like he should change his name to Fookall. cos that's what his missus says every night when he asks her what she'd like him to do to her"
So Knob, hope i can call you that now we're friends, you're getting 30mpg and never go over 3000rpm.

Do you **** real slow and come in your mouth to save waste?
fookin makes me laugh want feul economy by a g wizz by a 4x4 pay for the fookin feul and dont moan as for him shagging his mother dont think he could manage that:doh::doh:
FFS guys you've done it AGAIN!.....will you NEVER learn????

Too many too fast.....you have to play em....reel em in a bit, give em a bit of slack

Fookin Neanderthals spoilin everyone elses fun :doh::doh::doh::doh::doh:
FFS guys you've done it AGAIN!.....will you NEVER learn????

Too many too fast.....you have to play em....reel em in a bit, give em a bit of slack

Fookin Neanderthals spoilin everyone elses fun :doh::doh::doh::doh::doh:

Stop Ya whining Bitch :rolleyes:

Please tell me this aint another A hole, going on about MPG!!!!

FFS get a push a bike

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