tosser.. I'll still be faster up any hill in devon than you and have a nicer wife.. and be a better shot.. and catch more fish.. you should stay in the teacup where you belong 'storm' mind you.. you probably came up with your name cos you 'blow' alot :)
tosser.. I'll still be faster up any hill in devon than you and have a nicer wife.. and be a better shot.. and catch more fish.. you should stay in the teacup where you belong 'storm' mind you.. you probably came up with your name cos you 'blow' alot :)

Blimey..i always fancied hill climbing in devon too...damn you and your brilliant fish catching.

Ah, well, you are what you eat...thats probably why you're a cock.
tosser.. I'll still be faster up any hill in devon than you and have a nicer wife.. and be a better shot.. and catch more fish.. you should stay in the teacup where you belong 'storm' mind you.. you probably came up with your name cos you 'blow' alot :)

In the politest possible way you seriously underestimate your opponent and at the post count you have****-up.jpg
tosser.. I'll still be faster up any hill in devon than you and have a nicer wife.. and be a better shot.. and catch more fish.. you should stay in the teacup where you belong 'storm' mind you.. you probably came up with your name cos you 'blow' alot :)

storm got owned:D
my wife just come in from the yard.. says there was a light shower.. didn't amount to anything, she sheltered from the storm... apparently there was a gay chap running around with a very small BB gun
my wife just come in from the yard.. says there was a light shower.. didn't amount to anything, she sheltered from the storm... apparently there was a gay chap running around with a very small BB gun

That'd be bob.
my wife just come in from the yard.. says there was a light shower.. didn't amount to anything, she sheltered from the storm... apparently there was a gay chap running around with a very small BB gun

More likely she was serviced:eek:
I'm going to bed now.. I consider meself the victor as yer now slagging off me Mrs's.. pass or fail you guys are off fer a hand shandy while dreaming of Jordan clad in MT's... I imaging thats not yer bird on your signature storm.. I recon it's probaly verysticky round your keyboard.. all that dribbling and excited arm movement.. I'm suprised that the keys still work.. anyways.. night night
I'm going to bed now.. I consider meself the victor as yer now slagging off me Mrs's.. pass or fail you guys are off fer a hand shandy while dreaming of Jordan clad in MT's... I imaging thats not yer bird on your signature storm.. I recon it's probaly verysticky round your keyboard.. all that dribbling and excited arm movement.. I'm suprised that the keys still work.. anyways.. night night

Not at all..i was hoping for pics of her... still, well done, i applaud your effort..well with my left hand..the right one is busy as you alluded to..

Just can't get the banter anymore...its a sad reflection of british youth.
my wife just come in from the yard.. says there was a light shower.. didn't amount to anything, she sheltered from the storm... apparently there was a gay chap running around with a very small BB gun

Mrs Ed????????? Whats her teeth like

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