1. donboon

    Two quickies!

    2) Nose weight is normally between 75-100kg (not above 150kg) but it does depend on caravan. go on-line to caravan manufacturers site or phone caravan centre for advice. You could pull up to 3000kg (braked) so your well inside limit
  2. donboon

    Right versus Might

    Quote: Originally Posted by The Mad Hat Man I would suggest, without blowing my own trumpet, that the three "witches" you describe have posted more useful information on this site, than you will ever achieve. So yours was just an innocent comment, like the one above for example. I don’t...
  3. donboon

    Right versus Might

    If you're going to get into bolotics and sound like Tony's spin dryer try learning to read first. "If you three pussies can't offer anything useful in this section then go back to your own. This one (section) is for Discos, not Defenders, Freelanders and X-trails". For an Ntrail user I'd say the...
  4. donboon

    Right versus Might

    Didn't take long for you three witches to come out on your broombrooms did it. Can't you understand how the game works? This forum is for all of us so unfortunately we have to suffer you as well. If you three pussies can't offer anything useful in this section then go back to your own. This...
  5. donboon

    Disproportionate increase to road tax on 4x4 vehicles.

    A bad 4x4 is no worse than millions of knackered white vans thrashing the motorways everyday and dilapidated buses, coaches and taxis cruising half empty. New thread started (Right versus Might) to take on this issue
  6. donboon

    Right versus Might

    The time has come to quit moaning and bellyaching about 4x4 taxes and charging and stop all this petty jesting which undermines the true nature of our concerns. This new thread invites friends and comrades both at home and abroad to put pen against sword. Your invited to hold a tournament of...
  7. donboon

    Steering shake

    I had serious shaking problems with my wheels for a long time and couldn't figure it out if it was front or rear. The whole car shook all over the road like someone had put lead weights in the wheels to throw them off balance everytime we hit rough surfaces and going round curves was a fight for...
  8. donboon

    Engine noise - damper blanket?

    Spray the engine compartment with 10 cans of foam fix and start the engine immediately. Run it at 2500 rpm until the foam sets to ensure all moving parts are free. This really cuts out the noise and helps if you get attacked head on by a Renault
  9. donboon

    Steering shake

    If any of the disk were warped you would feel it kicking in the brake pedal. If your tyres were damaged you should notice them at speed without having to brake. As stated you could get a free wheel check to put your mind at rest. Slight squeaking from the brakes on cornering is common. There's...
  10. donboon

    Disproportionate increase to road tax on 4x4 vehicles.

    I told you we had a saviour in our midst. He has hit on the solution. If all 4x4's came with fair maidens who respond to a whistle surely everyone would want one :D
  11. donboon

    Disco 1 LPG Teething Problems

    Chris, you appear to have a number of different problems which may be related. You'll find plenty of help here to deal with your cooling and heater issues. Don't take this for granted but it's just possible that the LPG has (if it wasn't installed correctly or set up right) caused the...
  12. donboon

    Tyre Pressures

    I don't think it's that at all. If the manufacturer recommends 26psi front and 33psi rear and you decide to inflate them outside of their tolerances you may find yourself in trouble with insurance who won’t cover you and face prosecution by the police especially if your vehicle is involved in an...
  13. donboon

    Disproportionate increase to road tax on 4x4 vehicles.

    Ye Gods!!! We have in our midst a champion knight to aid us He knows about divide and conquer Get yer cranking andles ready ;)
  14. donboon

    Espace vs Discovery in Crash

    If you listened to the commentry you'll notice how they made a big speech about the Renaults strengthening beams transferring the impact along the car. They took deliberate advantage of that against the weaker parts of the LR. As you might expect they didn't make it a fair challenge or they...
  15. donboon

    What MPG can you realistically get from a Landy/Disco?

    I wish the service man could come out and fix mine. LPG is only 38% of the cost of diesel.
  16. donboon

    Disco II Steering Groans

    Could this be an early warning system designed by LR for pedestrians to get out of the way just as you mount the pavement :eek:
  17. donboon

    What MPG can you realistically get from a Landy/Disco?

    There are millions of diesel trucks round the world using LPG as an additive to improve performance and emissions. It just gets slightly more difficult on smaller engines. I didn't think you could switch from diesel to LPG. I always understood that the LPG is supplemental up to 35%.
  18. donboon

    Disco II Steering Groans

    My 300tdi has a similar sound but only when turning left at very low speed ie in car park. Fluid levels are fine. I've looked to see if anything is rubbing but found nothing. I suppose it could be inside the steering box. I'm told it's normal and nothing to worry about.
  19. donboon

    Lack of juice to starter & fuel solenoid.

    Rob, symptoms are like poor connections or a short circuit. Take it easy
  20. donboon

    What MPG can you realistically get from a Landy/Disco?

    Can you believe this: IWEMA enterprise, diesel on LPG :eek: