
New Member
The time has come to quit moaning and bellyaching about 4x4 taxes and charging and stop all this petty jesting which undermines the true nature of our concerns. This new thread invites friends and comrades both at home and abroad to put pen against sword.

Your invited to hold a tournament of scribe to see who can best persuade or cajole our major allies into supporting our right to freedom of choice and lifestyle. It is a fight for survival; any person who holds the view that freedom of choice and lifestyle is a basic human right needs to join our battle. We must express our displeasure at the way we are victimised and demand that those who have profited by our trust and loyalty should stand beside us in this hour of need.

You must write a letter which could be sent to any “Customer Support” team and explain that you want their time and resources to defend us against a creeping tide of victimisation and unwarranted bias. Failure to assist now will cost them dearly in future.

The 4x4 manufacturers have adequate resources between them to discreetly assist their UK customers fight the local authorities over parking taxes and the government over unreasonable persecution in both local and European courts. The action is to bring a halt to this insidious form of victimisation.

If they fail to offer their undivided support then there are other organisations who can tackle the 4x4 giants just like the tobacco industries. It may mean setting up a new thread but we can always sue them for supplying goods that cause us harm, especially in our pockets.

Don’t send the letter direct, post them on this forum for all to consider and judge. You can bet your wallet they will be watching.
The time has come to quit moaning and bellyaching about 4x4 taxes and charging

Yes please !

Cos your little crusade wont make the slightest bit of difference !:rolleyes:

If yer want to rant and rave about it . Go and do it on a political forum !
What's this? Bluddy home work? Show us your own mighty, eloquent, freedom fighting, efficacious diatribe & we may show you ours.

Didn't take long for you three witches to come out on your broombrooms did it. Can't you understand how the game works? This forum is for all of us so unfortunately we have to suffer you as well.

If you three pussies can't offer anything useful in this section then go back to your own. This one is for Discos, not Defenders, Freelanders and X-trails.

If you’re so concerned about the content then try putting your crap in "anything goes" or better still keep it to yourself.

In case you hadn't noticed, it's not my crusade; it’s been raging on this site for ages.

If I really wanted to start a crusade it would be to make certain that backstabbing sideliners like you don't get any of the benefits. :p :p
Didn't take long for you three witches to come out on your broombrooms did it. Can't you understand how the game works? This forum is for all of us so unfortunately we have to suffer you as well.

If you three pussies can't offer anything useful in this section then go back to your own. This one is for Discos, not Defenders, Freelanders and X-trails.

If you’re so concerned about the content then try putting your crap in "anything goes" or better still keep it to yourself.

In case you hadn't noticed, it's not my crusade; it’s been raging on this site for ages.

If I really wanted to start a crusade it would be to make certain that backstabbing sideliners like you don't get any of the benefits. :p :p

How do yu reconsile "This forum is for all of us" and "This one is for Discos"?
I dont think anyone has mentioned "Defenders, Freelanders and X-trails" - we have just pointed out that this thread is a copy of ones previously posted and is therefore superflous. You have already agreed this point with "it's not my crusade; it’s been raging on this site for ages" - so why dont you either just continue with the existing threads or go petition the government and leave us in peace.
I think you made the valid point that "This one (forum) is for Discos" so why dont you leave this section for discussions that are DISCO related - or does this problem only apply to Discos. Your argument is so flawed, I suggest yu start eating Ringos instead - that mite be more nutricious!
Ok don!

Let me get this right! You want "us" to draft a letter to erm ! "Customer support teams" ???? (Presumably you mean 4x4 vehicle manufacturers )?
The premiss of which is to demand that "they "(afore mentioned 4x4 makers)" discreetly assist, "YOU" in yer Air headed plan to bring about change to the proposed tax and parking increases for 4x4 owners, (which aint even happened yet.)
Then when they stop laughin at yer and tell you to Foo cough! you then get
" other organisations" to sue them fer not helpin you ! :confused: :eek:

Good plan don! :D

Dear Tony.

Charge then tw@s in London as much as yer want to drive about In there tractors, and If they start whinnin on about it charge em extra!:D

Oh! And watch out fer this bloke called "RED DONLOON" Off Landyzone,

I've ere'd he's a bit of a communist !:rolleyes: :D
Give DonBoon his due, the only time the rest of the car driving people of the country or even the world, will start to do owt about the choice of vehicle we can drive is when there is NO choice. If everone had the "Stick your head in the sand" "What difference can we make" mentality then the Government would have their irrational laws pushed through with no sensible arguments being offered.

I am the guilty one as to who started this thread, or at least got folks thinking about this topic, Is my punishment going to be me being thrown off the forum, or being ignored, because that is what I am expecting from the response I get.

If that is so, then so be it, but at least I have stirred up a bit of dust, and maybe I am a bit of a Sad B@$t@rd, Green round the ears, but I aint going to just sit here and do Nothing.

You have already agreed this point with "it's not my crusade; it’s been raging on this site for ages" - so why dont you either just continue with the existing threads or go petition the government and leave us in peace.
I think you made the valid point that "This one (forum) is for Discos" so why dont you leave this section for discussions that are DISCO related - or does this problem only apply to Discos. Your argument is so flawed, I suggest yu start eating Ringos instead - that mite be more nutricious!

If you're going to get into bolotics and sound like Tony's spin dryer try learning to read first. "If you three pussies can't offer anything useful in this section then go back to your own. This one (section) is for Discos, not Defenders, Freelanders and X-trails". For an Ntrail user I'd say the sentence was relevant.

New comers don't necessarily understand how to work their way round this forum least of all find reference to issues they want to discuss. They rely on members to show them how to access the wealth of understanding not get their heads chewed off. Even if they do repeat an old record they may shed a new light on it or inspire new interest.

If your so fed up with the same arguments every time a new member joins then its probably time you joined or started another forum, for miserable old gits who "want to be left in peace". No one forces you to stay or posted you as overseer so unless you own the show quit dragging this forum into disrepute.

Originally Posted by mondo
The premiss of which is to demand that "they "(afore mentioned 4x4 makers)" discreetly assist, "YOU" in yer Air headed plan to bring about change to the proposed tax and parking increases for 4x4 owners, (which aint even happened yet.)

"Richmond Council is set to go ahead with it controversial plans to charge for parking based on a vehicle's CO2 emissions after locals backed its proposals". ETA : 4x4s face x3 parking charges

As a matter of fact I have brought changes both to the vehicle tax laws and for benefits to disabled and elderly people. As chairman of a number of voluntary organisations I'm proud of what I and other volunteers do. Don't ever under estimate people just because you can't see or understand them.
ffs dimbo - wot are yu on?
Have yu been smoking the wacky backy?

Why dont you read my first post - all i sed woz this sort of post shd be in the anything goes section, NOT the disco section.
If yu want to run/organise this campaign, take step back, get off yo high horse, and do a search, read the relevant posts, re-assess wot yu can add in a responsible manner - then continue posting.
I would suggest, without blowing my own trumpet, that the three "witches" you describe have posted more useful information on this site, than you will ever achieve. The fact that I now longer own a lr does not make my comments any the less helpful, any more than you should be banned because your avatar says "Landy of the Rising Sun".
May I also mention Wilbur, who also posted a similar thread, got the same message, did not take umbrage, and is to be recommended for not getting up his own arse the way you do. Listen to the other members - you might actually learn summat.
if you stuck yer head in the sand wiff the rest of us you'd know the gov dint take the blindest bit of notice what folks want,don't want. if it brings them money then thats what they'll do.
look at the euro.. i can travel over most of europe and not have to pay fees to change money. companies in one country can trade with one in another country and not have to worry about exchange rates and bank commisssion charges.
but the gov has brained washed the brit population into thinking sticking wiff the pound is a good idea. every time you travel abroad they get more loot of you. ever time a brit company trades with another in the rest of europe( nearly all) it cost the brits money
because you have a 4x4 you int going get brained washed into thinking that all 4x4's are killing the planet but the rest of the population will.

the only way to make tony do what the public want will be to do a guy fawkes on him.
so stop kidding yerself that you can make a difference and stop boring us wiff yer crap
Said my bit. Ain't dignifying it any longer. Geezer's a pompous feckwit. This is a Landy forum that's a good fun place to hang about, not Hyde Park Corner & I'm really sick of petition after petition after well meaning liberal cause.

I do not take kindly to being 'urged' to write to a customer services department. Get a life.
i hereby pertition the great gawds accy and roy to stop, neigh ban pertitions or the mention of pertitions from LZ.

please sign ma pertition to bring an end to pertitions

el slobbo
Originally Posted by The Mad Hat Man
I would suggest, without blowing my own trumpet, that the three "witches" you describe have posted more useful information on this site, than you will ever achieve.

So yours was just an innocent comment, like the one above for example. I don’t presume to be better at posting useful info on this site. You can keep the position, life is far too short.

Slob, go ahead; be a Guy Fawkes, we’re all waiting or are you just boring us with your usual crap.

As for getting on my high horse I do it every day. I’ve earned the rank how about you?

According to you guys this forum is meant to be used for friendly discussions about Land Rovers. So why are you regularly crapping on people and making it personal, often insulting.

While you’ve been pushing your weight around on this forum for a long time, I’ve been doing it in the real world for a lot longer. That’s why I’m a politician and you’re the ones, as slob suggests, stuck with your heads in the sand.

Try getting off your own high horse more often and others won’t be so keen to try and do it for you.
Originally Posted by The Mad Hat Man
I would suggest, without blowing my own trumpet, that the three "witches" you describe have posted more useful information on this site, than

Slob, go ahead; be a Guy Fawkes, we’re all waiting or are you just boring us with your usual crap.

and you've posted real interesting stuff i've noticed but then what else can we expect from someone that openly lies fer a living.

and while your posting all yer doom and gloom **** and yer pertition that no one is interested in, it take the like of me and the other witches??? to bring a bit of light heartedness to the forum. so why dunt you go where yer wanted, if such a place exsists and stop bleating about pertitions and other political crap

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