1. SALandyman

    Really odd Problem

    Yeah thats it exactly, on when out off when in, Now this should activate on the pedal right? So when the pedal is not being pressed, the switch is in right, when you press the pedal the button on the switch will release and lights on right? tell me this is right, because I have not put the...
  2. SALandyman


    I been trying to get the wheel arch flares here in SA, killllleeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrr pricing, so if there are some in the UK, I would be grateful to anyone that can get me a price, and contact, or anyone that has a set to move on, i will gladly pay. I have seen F/Glass ones on a mate o mines 90...
  3. SALandyman

    Really odd Problem

    Hey guys, and a special hello to mad hat man:) who will no doubt notice I have been quiet for a awhile and perhaps thought I had fallen of the face of uranus:rolleyes:, and am now posting threads in the correct forum (I Hope):eek: Serioulsy joking aside, the breake lights on my s3 are killing...
  4. SALandyman

    Now the DAMNED lights!!!!!

    Ta thanks, beside the skinned knuckles:mad:, we are getting somewhere. I am redoing the Battery Earth aswell, and Moving the head light earths to their own earth point on the chassis. The fault then should be the fuse box power to relays, no inline fuses are to be seen, trust me I ripped out the...
  5. SALandyman

    Now the DAMNED lights!!!!!

    Now thngs are getting complicated, relays are spanking new, when the lights first went thats the first thing I replaced, So no my plan is to rewire from the lights back. Am I correct in sayin Red and Blue wire diM? red and white Bright? and Black is the earth, these are the three wires out o the...
  6. SALandyman

    how to fit spotlights

    Definitely I have no comment, as I cook cars with wires, give me a bicycle pleae
  7. SALandyman

    Now the DAMNED lights!!!!!

    Alright then, I am not an electrically minded individual, so my question, if I put the power cable from the switch, directly to the cable running to either dim or bright, cutting out the relays, I have lights. Why ? And then no lights when running through the relays? Is there an earth under the...
  8. SALandyman

    Now the DAMNED lights!!!!!

    HMmmmm, driving along, suddenly darkness descends like the apocalyptic angel upon me:eek:.............sounds like the start to a good flick,:rolleyes: BUT this is the real landy forum (MAd Hat Man please take note that I am taking no chances thats why this post is in here :).....so obviously the...
  9. SALandyman

    DIY paint job?

    Just for the silly few, I have a mate that rebuilt a VW bug, took hin 2 years, and the air arseholed it as he was in a rush to move to a new town,, the paint lasted the grand total of 3 weeks, then started to crack and look like crazy paving.......as to compressors and real paint i have...
  10. SALandyman

    Clanking thud.....Bang

    hahahaha, that was me missus' first reaction, but now she understands its just a landy. In all seriousness, I am having all the springs re-tentioned, and putting in new bushes all round, and if there is any more of the same clanking thud, well, it is a landy after all.
  11. SALandyman

    Greasing and more greasing

    Ta mate, glad to be made welcome here.....albeit in a odd manner.......tx for the avdvise. MHM.
  12. SALandyman

    Clanking thud.....Bang

    Hey SANI PASS: I've been there! I cycled through Lesotho and down the Sani Pass 8 or 9 years ago. It's a beatiful place. I stayed a night in the Sani Top Chalet and I recall that the owner was into Land-Rovers. That's not you by any chance is it? Not the owner, but the manager for...
  13. SALandyman

    Greasing and more greasing

    So needless to say, I shall do as requested:rolleyes:, and post in general forum room, and perhaps some kind soul would offer a short farmer with one brain cell, or was that half a brain cell, a site map as to where exactly to post idiot questions:confused:, so that I dont offend the likes of...
  14. SALandyman

    Greasing and more greasing

    Quaking in my boots right now, and I pleased to be recognised that at least I do have half a brain cell, or was that a whole one?? I fail to remember. Flame away, as all I asked was a simple question, that I found NO PREVIOUS THREAD FOR, and that this was a serious forum for series Landys, and...
  15. SALandyman

    Greasing and more greasing

    Common Faults and Questions Have a look here to see if you can solve questions that you might have... This is the banner above the forum I have posted in, MAd tin hatter or whatever you call yourself should stop being analy retentive, and read the above, I have common faults, browsed the...
  16. SALandyman

    Greasing and more greasing

    Alright, sorry mate. I ma a farmer, not a forum whizzkid, and I thought this was the right forum....... and me other post too, it may just end up in here, mate so i appologise before hand.
  17. SALandyman

    Clanking thud.....Bang

    Hey all, I have noticed a terrible clanking thud under my S3:eek:, checked mountings on g/box, and it looks ok, to me going to pressure clean it all this morning and check again. It only occurs with body roll, so I am thinking Shackles on springs:confused:, however, I do drive a 130 with a...
  18. SALandyman

    Greasing and more greasing

  19. SALandyman

    Greasing and more greasing

    Also let it be known that I have never battled to find nipples before.;)
  20. SALandyman

    Greasing and more greasing

    Ta, I thought I may be going blind in me young age.