
New Member
Tell m e guys, I have crawled under my S111 just about every day for 3 days, and cant seem to locate any grease nipples. I have drained and changed the Gearbox box, transfer box, and diff oils, I have been recomended to do this often, I was also told to grease the drive shafts? Where the hell are the nipples??
if your keen you can grease the drive shaft splines, but it's a remove and dismantle task

the UJ's tend to have a nipple quite well hidden within the yoke - but if you can't find them they probably haven't got them fitted, many UJ's don't
Alright, sorry mate. I ma a farmer, not a forum whizzkid, and I thought this was the right forum....... and me other post too, it may just end up in here, mate so i appologise before hand.
While under your vehicle you could give the prop-shaft a go - should have at least a couple of nipples in awkward locations.
Common Faults and Questions Have a look here to see if you can solve questions that you might have...

This is the banner above the forum I have posted in, MAd tin hatter or whatever you call yourself should stop being analy retentive, and read the above, I have common faults, browsed the forum and not found an answer, so then i post a question.....hmmmmmmmm, this seems to be the normal way of doing things, but maybe not if you are from Uranus.
Common Faults and Questions Have a look here to see if you can solve questions that you might have...

This is the banner above the forum I have posted in, MAd tin hatter or whatever you call yourself should stop being analy retentive, and read the above, I have common faults, browsed the forum and not found an answer, so then i post a question.....hmmmmmmmm, this seems to be the normal way of doing things, but maybe not if you are from Uranus.

That sub-forum is to try and find the answers to Common Faults and Questions, ya pillock - If you were to read the thread marked BEFORE you posted, as requested by the MODs, you might have stood a bit of a chance of using the prospective other half a brain cell and got summat right.:rolleyes:
Now with a bit of luck a kind MOD will move your stupidly placed post to a more correct forum. More unlikely, is that Roy or Accy will re-title this sub-section as previously requested.
ShortArseLandyMan or whatever you call yourself, you have a total of 11 posts. Do you wish to fit in with the consensus and abide by the :rulez: or are you going to prove you are a complete arsehole and then **** off after a few more posts, having been flamed into submission?
Quaking in my boots right now, and I pleased to be recognised that at least I do have half a brain cell, or was that a whole one?? I fail to remember. Flame away, as all I asked was a simple question, that I found NO PREVIOUS THREAD FOR, and that this was a serious forum for series Landys, and for that matter I am short, however being short arsed would only be able to be judged by a pro from Uranus, perhaps you qualify?
So needless to say, I shall do as requested:rolleyes:, and post in general forum room, and perhaps some kind soul would offer a short farmer with one brain cell, or was that half a brain cell, a site map as to where exactly to post idiot questions:confused:, so that I dont offend the likes of top tin man from Uranus:alien:, being a new comer on the website, and having made possibly one or more cockups:eek:, I find it a bit offending that the powers of Uranus can cause such a stink.....hmmmm:p. HOW EVER those of us that were blessed with more than one brain cell , should perhaps start a new room for finding out how to use said brain cells before blowing them out his arse before he tries to be GOD:doh:. That said and done please do accept my apologies for posting in the wrong letter box:eek:, and I shall coax my half cell....or was that full cell brain cell into trying to do the right thing, and keep a beautiful motor vehicle on the road with the help of others:).

Let it not be said that I do not apologise for slip ups, I do battle being short, and have only one ........or was that half a brain cell:rolleyes:.
SALandyman If you post ya tech questions in the series section and anything else in landrover chat or anything goes. sections Yu'll get no more trouble from Daft. :D :D
Hee hee.
I can see yu will fit in here well:).
As mentioned above, the post has now been moved. My purpose was only to inform you of the :rulez:. You will, no doubt, now be aware of the many diverse fora (and fauna:eek:) on this site.
There is a huge amount of knowedge on here, bit yu will have realised there is also a lot if banter. That is what makes LZ different and better than others.
Oh - and :welcome: SA :).

In answer to yo Q, the nipples should be in the centre X of the UJ's; but not all UJ's have them, so dont be surprised if you dont find them. There should also be one on the prop. Dont forget your steering, as all of the ball joints will have one ( unless sealed for life!). Also check the swivels. One-shot is good there.
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