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HMmmmm, driving along, suddenly darkness descends like the apocalyptic angel upon me:eek:.............sounds like the start to a good flick,:rolleyes: BUT this is the real landy forum (MAd Hat Man please take note that I am taking no chances thats why this post is in here :) obviously the lights died on my S3, they were working great, but the just died, no fuse popped, no wires burnt they just died. Got the dash apart, relaced the relays, and still no luck, so I checked the wiring from the dash to the lights, all great, so ripped the dash apart good and proper. Flick the switch the relays click (there are 2 of them is this right?) one dim one bright?? still no lights, hmmmm checked earthing all good, switch is great, if I connect direct them to direct current they work( IE take the live wire from the switch and bridge past the relays on either dim or bright et voila, whe the fook must I look now lads and ladies?:mad:
realistically - if yu got power and earth - then they must work - so trace the power from the batt, thru the switch(es) to the relays and then to the lights.If yu have 12V at the lights then it has to be light earths.

ps - why int this in the series sexshun? :bolt:
If dip and main have gone then it certainly implies earth problems. I think the earthing point is under the bonnet catch panel, behind the front grille.
Alright then, I am not an electrically minded individual, so my question, if I put the power cable from the switch, directly to the cable running to either dim or bright, cutting out the relays, I have lights. Why ? And then no lights when running through the relays? Is there an earth under the dash console that I am missing, the one under the bonnet I cleaned up and fastened again, no luck? Last night when I was fiddling they flashed on very briefly, and my park lights work a treat, just not bright enough to drive with. what am I missing? And as for you master mad hatter, was this post supposed to be in series room, or are you just curling my arse hairs again????? :)
You haven't mentioned the live feed to the relays. There should be steady volts from the battery on terminals 30 or 87 on the relay - the other goes to the lights. Are the relays an after fit? They may be fed from a separate fuse somewhere.
Now thngs are getting complicated, relays are spanking new, when the lights first went thats the first thing I replaced, So no my plan is to rewire from the lights back. Am I correct in sayin Red and Blue wire diM? red and white Bright? and Black is the earth, these are the three wires out o the lights. I am working back from the lights, to the relays to the switch to the fuse box. The pellock that had the car before me, made a bit o a cok up with the wiring in the fuse department, so your guess is as good as mine as to where the bloody hell anything is fad from.
I'd definitely find the fuse feeding the contact side of the relays. Sounds like the feed from the switch works OK (energising the coil - you can hear the relay going click) but the feed from the battery is broke. If they've been messed about then the relays could be fed from anywhere. There might even be in-line fuses somewhere between the relay and +12v. It's worth rewiring so that main and dip are on separate fuses. Do you have a multimeter? There are some simple diagnostic tests that can be done with one. This thread might be useful:-
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Ta thanks, beside the skinned knuckles:mad:, we are getting somewhere. I am redoing the Battery Earth aswell, and Moving the head light earths to their own earth point on the chassis. The fault then should be the fuse box power to relays, no inline fuses are to be seen, trust me I ripped out the whole rats nest behind the console to look, and am systematicaly, redoing ALL the wiring behind the gauges and then........well if it doesnt explode it should work right:doh:?

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