1. JayB

    Replaced the axle, wanna see the broken bits? :)

    sand crept in somehow??
  2. JayB

    Replaced the axle, wanna see the broken bits? :)

    how did that happen??
  3. JayB

    at long last!

    hello everyone, after years of looking at landrovers and umm'n and aaar'n i took the plunge and bought a 96 disco 300tdi on monday, the only reason i have not been on here sooner to share the joy the old girl has brought me is that im always pottering about in her, or im looking on ebay for...
  4. JayB

    tax exempt, hybrid, or something else?

    if you watch ebay then the genuine ones sell pretty quick..the slightly dodgy ones keep popping back up for sale...! i dont know why people try and sell them with "V5 in the post but will happily give a receipt" or "needs £100 of welding to pass MOT, but no funds to get it MOT'd" surely you...
  5. JayB

    Please watch cctv footage of theives eyeing up how they can get my 90

    next time you do that remember to take a can of air freshner just incase! :D you could drive him to the top of snake pass then :D
  6. JayB

    Snorkel query??

    no as the gasses from the engine keep the water from going up the exhaust! aslong as the engine keeps going (and doesnt conk out!) then your ok!
  7. JayB

    Series III steering wheel slime!

    could you put that grip tape you have for tennis racket handles/cricket bat handles on your steering wheel? that would stop it! and you would have nice warm hands on cold mornings!
  8. JayB

    Landy Zone Map

    egremont is about 20 mins drive away from me! i dont think their is many people on here from cumbria??
  9. JayB

    WARNING direct line insurance under 25's

    im insured with aviva and when i renewed my insurance with them (been with them 5 years now!) and in march i put a K&N and got a powerflow exhaust for the trusty fez, i told them this and the woman said "does it increase the performance?" so i said no and that was the end of it! fingers crossed...
  10. JayB

    Anyone used liveridge british 4X4?

    they talked to posh to be regular members of this forum!! somthing pink almost meat im guessing!
  11. JayB


    nice paint job oxide! i prefere bright yellow but still that green is mint :D
  12. JayB

    Hi Im New

    cool :D im big on my clubs and dance music been to see most of the top dj's judge jules, dave pearce, fedde le grande, martin ten helden, bodyrox, altern8, swedish house mafia etc and been to most of the top nightclubs in this country and in ibiza! :D dont get out much these days but im off to...
  13. JayB

    Hi Im New

    well i ment is he a nightclub dj (then he will play a certain genre of dance music, R&B, etc) or one of those fella's you get in for wedding parties!
  14. JayB

    Hi Im New

    hello! cool a dj :D what music you play??
  15. JayB

    Funny spare wheel covers

    " my other ride is a white xr3 cabriolet "
  16. JayB

    Funny spare wheel covers

    "on tow"
  17. JayB

    Land Rover Theft in general.....

    just put hesco bags round the outside of your nearest pikey camp! that way you can keep them in like a ampitheatre and throw some lions in!
  18. JayB

    Driving and using a mobile phone

    21 swedish blonde is prob the best disguise to hide behind! ladyboys only appeal to a small minority of land rover fans!
  19. JayB

    Wanted Landy Expert Volunteer Malawi

    i would love to do somthing like this! shame im not technicaly a "mechanic" and i have my mortgage to pay! im sure somebody suitable will be up for this!
  20. JayB

    insureance premiums-17yrs old

    try adrian flux...im 22 with 5 years no claims and the cheapest i got offered was nearly £500 everyone else wanted 800 upwards! and that was on a standard disco 1 third party fire n theft!...thats partly why im landy-less at the mo because of the cost of insurance and general running costs of one!