Put a secret kill switch on the truck. Gibe them a hard time trying to start it. One of those driveway posts look good too.
personally for now id remove anything off the other vehicles that can be used as a towing eye such as towbars
id also sort the steering wheel on the landy so it can be removed for the night its just as easy as fekkin about with a full cover steering lock exept the fact there isnt anything to steer it with this used to work really well time and time again with me works van
another thing me mate did wich was cheap n cheerful was fit a smoke grenade in the cab so the pin got pulled when they pressed the clutch pedal pulling the string attatched to the pin ( dont have a clue where he got the grenade ) on the other hand it did help catch the twot takeing cars out of the yard at work turned out to be the storeman
Put a secret kill switch on the truck. Gibe them a hard time trying to start it. One of those driveway posts look good too.

How good are driveway posts tho? Does anyone know how much effort it takes to pull one out??

I always remove my steering wheel and use clutch claw. But it still wont stop some git towing it apart from the noise obviously :D:D

But if ya live miles from anywhere :eek::eek::eek:
How good are driveway posts tho? Does anyone know how much effort it takes to pull one out??

kinda daft question, if you set it in using a bag of post-crete a push bike could pull it out - use a couple of ton of heavy crete and it'll take a tank to pull it out

however a sthil saw would be through it in seconds
kinda daft question, if you set it in using a bag of post-crete a push bike could pull it out - use a couple of ton of heavy crete and it'll take a tank to pull it out

however a sthil saw would be through it in seconds

Yup daft question. But you see my point :D:D
Me thinks some ppl are not on the same planet as the rest...
Do wat ever you can to make it harder for the fookers to get yr landy.
Even if you remove 1 wheel and put a locking nut bk on,
Put a switch inline of yr ign/fuel switch,
Ground anchor and the biggest stainless steel chain u can get hold of bolt underneath landy wrap round axel,
A second horn that will come on with ign that you can turn off by a hidden switch, maybe hooked up to a second batt and handbreak switch just incase the fookers disconnect yr batt,
Plus all the usual things like alarm, mob, stearing,gear,handbreak locks.

Failing that one night leave yr landy on the street get yr mates round for a sleep over and get ready to grab hold of the bstards...

......im not condoning what you do next but have fun while yr doing it......
last time we grabbed some twot he was in thwe back of me mates van cought red handed so we all piled in and headed over blackstone edge a good 15 miles from anywhere we was only gonna frighten him to fook but on the way there we had to boot him out as the smell of him was unbearable he'd **** his pants in the back of the van so we made him walk 10 miles back home with a steaming mokker in his trollies
we got collared for it by the fuzz bout 3 weeks after coz the little **** had reported us but the coppers wouldnt do anything as he was well known to them and we only did what they have wanted to do for months
last time we grabbed some twot he was in thwe back of me mates van cought red handed so we all piled in and headed over blackstone edge a good 15 miles from anywhere we was only gonna frighten him to fook but on the way there we had to boot him out as the smell of him was unbearable he'd **** his pants in the back of the van so we made him walk 10 miles back home with a steaming mokker in his trollies
we got collared for it by the fuzz bout 3 weeks after coz the little **** had reported us but the coppers wouldnt do anything as he was well known to them and we only did what they have wanted to do for months

next time you do that remember to take a can of air freshner just incase! :D you could drive him to the top of snake pass then :D
next time you do that remember to take a can of air freshner just incase! :D you could drive him to the top of snake pass then :D
me ex boss used to own the big house right at the top of that hill and besides snake pass is too close to civilisation to me we were heading for batesons dam over the tops of blacky edge it were minus 2 that night we were only gunna tie him to the railings on the dam and leave him there the lads at the dam would have found him during shift change the next morning :D:D:D
last time we grabbed some twot he was in thwe back of me mates van cought red handed so we all piled in and headed over blackstone edge a good 15 miles from anywhere we was only gonna frighten him to fook but on the way there we had to boot him out as the smell of him was unbearable he'd **** his pants in the back of the van so we made him walk 10 miles back home with a steaming mokker in his trollies
we got collared for it by the fuzz bout 3 weeks after coz the little **** had reported us but the coppers wouldnt do anything as he was well known to them and we only did what they have wanted to do for months
Thats brillient johnny ide loved to have seen that, little cocks deserve a whole lot more though :D :D
And then he reported you guys? Political corectness gone mad. Great idea! Hopefully it will have put him off
Just a thought about the timestamp on the video... I'd put it right asap, cause if anything happens the police will almost certainly discount it as evidence if the time is wrong, having discovered this from personal experience. It allows the defence to claim it is inaccurate and get it thrown out.
put a sign up telling them they've been seen and are being videoed. Leave house lights on and have a really bright outside light with a sensor. Get a massive dog. Get a shotgun.
he asked for help by if you have nowt to say ,say nowt idiots

Who the **** are you? It's called banter-if you don't like it I suggest you either learn how site works of **** off.
are another site another gangster hiding behind his curtins in the saftey of his home bullyed at school were you now you can be hard over the internet big man u havent got a clue

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