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Hi All,

If you are having these problems with Direct Line, would thought that you would get the same results with Churchill & Privilege Insurance. Together with Direct Line they are all part of RBOS.
Back in the day I used to have a really nice 306 I modded myself, done tastefully I must add, no halfrauds stuff. I am a firm believer in insuring everything...but this really takes the ****. Sorry to hear this situation.
On a random one. Direct line, I have found that there alright with me but this year my premium has gone UP £100 when I haven’t claimed and I am now 25... Hello Admiral.
Back in the day I used to have a really nice 306 I modded myself, done tastefully I must add, no halfrauds stuff. I am a firm believer in insuring everything...but this really takes the ****. Sorry to hear this situation.
On a random one. Direct line, I have found that there alright with me but this year my premium has gone UP £100 when I haven’t claimed and I am now 25... Hello Admiral.
My other son is insured with direct line aswell his insurance went up over one hundred pound even though he had got another years no claims? they take the ****.
no reason to be loyal for most companies these days shop around every time you renew.
Son should plead ignorant How was he to know it wasn't standard. If thats the case what about all the Defenders with a different engine? Go NFU
Son should plead ignorant How was he to know it wasn't standard. If thats the case what about all the Defenders with a different engine? Go NFU
Unfortunatly ignorance is no defence in the eye of the law, however thats the line we are taking when we go to court as it was fitted by previous owner as a 'repair' not a mod.
You could also try writing to the local paper and maybe even try and get the attention of the tabloids. You never know.
im insured with aviva and when i renewed my insurance with them (been with them 5 years now!) and in march i put a K&N and got a powerflow exhaust for the trusty fez, i told them this and the woman said "does it increase the performance?" so i said no and that was the end of it! fingers crossed im covered!
the thing with coppers is that most of them are bent or freemasons so you never realy get fair cops! but their are a few out there!

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