1. C

    Replacing CV Joints

    Thanks James, just after i posted this i went out and gave it another go and the god damn thing click straight in first time of asking, typical landy lol. thanks for your help anyway mate, appreciated as usual.
  2. C

    Replacing CV Joints

    Im replacing my 2 CV joints on my 2003 TD5 110. Ive stripped everything off, no problems and bought the new CV joints, my question is, whats the best way of getting the cv joint on to the half shaft without breaking the little catch clip that sits into the grove on the half shalt and then...
  3. C

    stuck hub drive member

    right tried all the above suggestions, but to no avail, im thinking of either tapping the drive member to try and get it out using equal pressure on bolts pushing on the back or a last resort is to try cutting it off, but wary of doing this incase i damage other parts and end up with a huge...
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    stuck hub drive member

    this is starting to do my head in!!!!!!! i have now officially declared war on this damn hub, current status is im losing the war lol
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    stuck hub drive member

    trying to change the discs and pads on my 110, but i can get no further than the hub drive member which i cant get off, i can spin it round after spraying half a can of wd40 at it but just cant pry it off, has anyone else encountered this problem and if so, how did you manage to get it off...
  6. C

    How to heat a Defender?

    i fitted an eberspacher D2 heater last month, bought it new so cost a fortune, but on an icy cold Scottish winters morning, i can only describe it as sheer bliss. I do believe if you look hard enough they are always up for grabs on evil bay....nothing worse than a freezing cold defender. Col
  7. C

    earth grounding points in engine bay

    believe it or not, they give you enough cable for the red positive to run from engine bay to battery, but the black earth cable is only about 2ft long, so i cant even reach half the engine bay :doh:, either i find a true earth grounding point in the passenger side of the engine bay or i have to...
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    woodstock meets defender:hippie::hippie::hippie::love::love::love:
  9. C

    earth grounding points in engine bay

    having installed everything except the earthing wire, it has to be a proper earth grounding point as the unit draws 50amps on initial start up. so any td5 owners who know where the nearest grounding earth point in the engine bay passanger side/bulkhead are if you let me know so i can get this...
  10. C

    earth grounding points in engine bay

    Just a quick one guys, im fitting a heatshot unit for my windscreen washers in the engine bay just beneath the heater matrix on the right hand side, my landy is a 110 td5 2004, wheres my nearest earth grounding fixing or can i connect it to any bolt attached to the body work? Colin
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    eberspacher heater

    A better question would be, have you even read the instruction booklet yet. answer - im a bloke of course i havent. In all seriousness, just fitted it and had my head stuck in the installation book all weekend so gave it a trial run with the timer this morning, the result being the alarm...
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    eberspacher heater

    Didnt know i could do that, isnt that needed for the cool down period when it switches off or for safety overheating purposes. Colin
  13. C

    eberspacher heater

    Right guys, just fitted a eberspacher d2 airtronics heater to my 110 td5 2004 defender. installation went well with no major problems, but one has developed since. My problem is that when i set the 7 day timer for the unit to start heating the landy up in the morning, as well as heating the...
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    £500, if only

    To be honest, its starting to feel like that for me too. About 7 weeks ago i decided to sell my 110, but it had some deep scratches that some kid had put up one side, so i thought id better fix them before i sell it, 7 weeks later and over £2000 spent, i think i may have forgotten the original...
  15. C

    So i may have buggered me engine...

    Bad luck, dont like to hear things like this, everyones made stupid mistakes when tired, bet you learn from it and never do it again, might be fate telling you to go for that 200tdi engine. Hope it works out for you in the end mate!!!! Col
  16. C

    fuel pipes.

    Sure is, theres no way im spending £300 just cause a couple of plastic fittings break, im currently scouring ebay and the breakers yards to find the fittings, then i can join them into the fuel line using some connectors. Col
  17. C

    fuel pipes.

    lowered the fuel tank the other day and broke a couple of the plastic fuel pipe connectors that go from the fuel pipe to the tank in my 110 2004 td5. I eventually found the part numbers, problem is that you cant just buy the silly little connectors, you have to buy the complete fuel line, i...
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    Part number help

    big shameless bump on this one, been searching the parts lists on line with no luck, unless someone can point me in the right direction, my 110 will be on retirement duty for the near future. I cant believe you have to buy a complete new fuel line, just to replace the broken plastic connectors...
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    £500, if only

    oops didnt even think about that.....
  20. C

    Part number help

    Thanks mate, i hope your wrong, as you say its a flimsy wee bit of plastic, when i snapped them, my first thought was, oh well, no problem, they cant cost more that a couple of pounds, hopefully someone else has had this problem and has the answer. Col