The easiest lessons are often the most expensive.

Still at least you get the chance to check the clutch and timing belt.
Bad luck, dont like to hear things like this, everyones made stupid mistakes when tired, bet you learn from it and never do it again, might be fate telling you to go for that 200tdi engine.

Hope it works out for you in the end mate!!!!

epic really need to start paying some one todo your work for you ...! lol..or take more meds..!!!
i know its landy zone but dinnae be toooo harsh* ......

he is actually a mate of mine ! - his area of expertise is bicycles(and riding them fast) and theres no oil filters involved in that !

*doesnt mean we cant wind him up though .... *
i know its landy zone but dinnae be toooo harsh* ......

he is actually a mate of mine ! - his area of expertise is bicycles(and riding them fast) and theres no oil filters involved in that !

*doesnt mean we cant wind him up though .... *
That is like not putting air in a bicycle tyre for a road race, wont get far
you better watch out for the oil you left on the street when your on your bike, maybe you should stick to a bike :doh:
I have never met an oil filter that will not unscrew - kind of obvious really as they are full of oil so cannot seize on no matter how cruddy externally.

Sounds like you were tightening up.

Without being harsh spilling engine oil out on the road and being a cyclist is wrong and lazy. Lots of folk have to deal with the accidents that kind of behaviour creates.
Take the head off and after squirting Eezit down the sides of the pistons, turn the engine by hand ... you might need a long bar on the crank bolt to do this. If it don't turn, get a lump of 3x3, place it on top of either of the highest positioned piston, and with someone swinging on the bar, **** the hell out of the timber until it moves.

The chances are that it will only be the rings that have picked up on the bores, and it ain't too difficult to fit new rings and/or liners.

My ex siezed one of mine years ago and all I needed to do was run a hone round the liners and fit new rings. A cheap, simple solution and that Landy is still going strong to this day!

do your self a favour, weigh that engine in (sell the fuel pump and turbo) buy james's 200tdi cos it will probably better then new..

well worth saving the pennies for.. i changed mine over for £500 including buying the engine.. then i sold the tdi for 160 cos the guy wanted the fuel pump and it was cheaper to buy the whole engine!

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