1. B


    Nice little result there then mate, i thought my ones were in good shape considering its a 40 year old motor! :cool:
  2. B


    Cheers fellas, think i'll have to do some digging cos there's writing on the inside of the windscreen frame too. :)
  3. B


    Hi all, im still new to some aspects of Landys, but i've noticed that my door windows seem to be different to a lot of other series landys ive seen, by that i mean that the glass slopes toward the rear of the vehicle. Others i've seen have all been straight. Can anyone shed any light on this for...
  4. B

    Severe shock !

    I almost got away with it, it failed, but only on a spring eye bush and dodgy washer jets, was still flabbergasted though!
  5. B

    It's BROKE!!!

    Found it and i could kick meself! Turned out to be the needle valve that moves up and down with the friggin diaphragm was stickin quite badly....lesson learned i spose..........still, found loads of other stuff that needed doin on the way so not a complete waste of time i spose!!!! :doh:
  6. B

    It's BROKE!!!

    Thanks Muchly Lads, Going out to have another go at the old girl at the weekend, keep you posted! :)
  7. B

    It's BROKE!!!

    Hello all, want to pick your brains a bit....ere goes: Ive got a 1970 series 2a with a 2.6 in it and the problem is that it will run for a while, then when it warms up it backfires under load then conks out and is reluctant to go again. I've done the condenser points rotor arm and cap, checked...
  8. B

    2.6 Parts

    Anyone know where i can get routine stuff i.e. Dizzy cap, leads, rotor arm etc from? Tried Buckleys and that but they're having problems....ELP! :confused:
  9. B

    Series II alternator or dynamo?

    Hi all, my series 2a runs a Dynamo, pain in the arse and i want to do a conversion, can anyone tell me what i need to do it?:confused::doh: its 1970 by the way....
  10. B

    Leaky Tank

    Well, next time i go playing in the pit or something i'll take the soap i think! Good for emergencies i reckon......easier to carry about than the welder! You right though, welding for the long term....
  11. B

    Leaky Tank

    I've had shedloads of old bangers over the years but never heard of that mate, does it work then?
  12. B


    All balljoints replaced now, noticed tiny amount of play in the steering box but nothing that concerns me, next in the firing line are the swivel pins to hopefully stop the clunk. But, the wobbly wheel is no more! Thanks all....
  13. B

    Leaky Tank

    Leak Fixed! When i took the tank out, i noticed that along the seams was some sort of what i can only describe as silicone sealer, so with some new petrol resistant sealer applied and a quick leak test its all good! (for now anyway, til i can scrape the pennies together for a new one) Thanks...
  14. B


    Yes its the 6 pot version, after 'careful' inspection i've found one or two ball joints to be worn so i've opted to replace all 6, and replace the shocks aswell, hoping that'll cure the bugger!
  15. B


    Thanks mate, i'll take a look at that in the morning. I was thinking the worst and thought it might be the swivels knackered.
  16. B


    Hello everyone, does anybody know where i can get a Workshop Manual for my landrover? Its a 1970 series 2a 109 with a 2.6 engine. Apologies for not knowing much, we've all got to start somewhere! Also, got a heavy 'clunking' noise coming from the front passenger side and the drivers side wheel...
  17. B

    Leaky Tank

    Ok Sean, sorry, i'll get under there tomorrow and get a couple of shots....:crazy:
  18. B

    Leaky Tank

    Thanks Steve, i agree that itll have to come out anyway, i guess i'll just have to weld the bars back in so i think keeping the welder away is near impossible....Until it comes out i havent got a scooby doo but i'll soon find out.
  19. B

    Leaky Tank

    I think it may well be leaking from one of the seams, i havent actually removed it as of yet because im actually being a bit cautious for once and seeking advice first! Ive got to cut the bracing bars off of the drop plate first because they go under the tank impeding any removal of the tank in...
  20. B

    Leaky Tank

    The tank just seems a funny shape in comparison with any diagrams ive seen, and ive been unable to match it up with any of them, hence me considering welding it. My Landrover is a series 2a 109, registered in 1970. Does anyone know where i can get a new tank because believe me id rather replace...