
New Member
Title says it all really! Are Series II and Series IIA Land Rover electrics driven by an alternator or a dynamo? If both, as I suspect, did the change over take place on a specific year model, e.g. 1968?
dont know the changeover but my old 67/68 IIA was originally a dynamo which had been converted previously.
It was petrol but doubt that makes a difference.
Hi all, my series 2a runs a Dynamo, pain in the arse and i want to do a conversion, can anyone tell me what i need to do it?:confused::doh: its 1970 by the way....
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My 1971 Series 2A still has the dynamo (which just died). I'm planning on replacing it using a conversion kit and switching over to a ProLine alternator so I can run all my lights and other gadgets. @Batfink; if you live in the states try out a company called Rovers North at: roversnorth.com. They sell a bolt on conversion kit, just supply an alternator. I use them for all my parts and tech. advice needs and they haven't failed me yet :).

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