1. English

    Green laning in Sawtry, Peterborough

    facebook group... Peterborough LandRover Club
  2. English

    Wading Plugs

    Even tho' I've been called a 'retard' on a site that I thought had likeminded Landrover people on it? I suppose I was wrong and I should go look for another landrover site?? Seems like a friendly wave from a fellow Defender owner as you pass is probably followed up by the finger when you've...
  3. English

    Wading Plugs

    Thankyou Bustersbus.
  4. English

    Wading Plugs

    Well thanks for the advice, I'll check the belt, just sounded strange thats all. Take a chill pill or have a nice sweet cup of tea, try to control your temper, outbursts like that lead to heart disfunction you know. By the way I'm not a retard, I just love my Landy and want what's best for it...
  5. English

    Wading Plugs

    What? because you've been a member of this site since July 2008 and I've been a member since Sept' 2009 that gives you the right to call me a newbie? thats rich coming from someone who's still thearetically wet behind the ears and hides behind a gun!!
  6. English

    Wading Plugs

    What's a noob?
  7. English

    Wading Plugs

  8. English

    Wading Plugs

    and it's the belt?
  9. English

    Wading Plugs

    Is that right? it's caused by the power steering belt slipping? I heard it was because water gets in where the wading plug goes. you learn something new every day eh.
  10. English

    Wading Plugs

    Where does the plug go??? I don't really know much about the underside of the steering on my 110 but I do know that everytime I drive through a deep puddle my steering freezes, putting the wind up me! Kinda sounds dumb I know but some of us don't know much about the subject (me). Thanks for...
  11. English

    Where we're going, we don't need roads!!

    Happy Crimbo mud lovers. :)
  12. English

    Green laning in Sawtry, Peterborough

    Well.......how did the m.o.t go Kev?? Good news I 'ope.
  13. English

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Used mine for school run, greenlane in Castor, did some shopping for provisions, took the dog out in her for an off road walk, picked the kids up again, used it to carry the tools/jumpleads/parts to fix the 'er indoors Moggy Minor, haven't done anything to her today but use her and buy her owner...
  14. English

    Green laning in Sawtry, Peterborough

    I agree, Ellingworths are an honest thorough garage to use. There's also an m.o.t station at Barrons of Eye who Nene Overland use. I'm up for some laning soon as I've already tried a couple around this neck of the woods. I drove to the other side of Wansford last wkend where there's one which is...
  15. English

    -----****help! Stuck in peat\bog help! ****urgent-----

    Wish I was closer, so I could help get ya vehicles out.....then I could take my Defender on the course and show you how it's done!
  16. English

    Viking way - buckminster

    Still sounds cool tho'. Will post if I'm able to go out to play.
  17. English

    Viking way - buckminster

    Just looked on youtube......Viking Way looks Mad!!!!
  18. English

    Viking way - buckminster

    Any fellow Greenlaners out there know the state and condition of Viking Way (from Buckminster)?? I read some past threads and this one looks like a "must do", especially after reading how long it is. Regards, English.
  19. English

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    I took mine out for the day to the LRO show at Peterborough,we both enjoyed it big time. English.
  20. English

    Greenlaning around Peterborough

    Sounds cool mattlister.