run it a bit and took some happy snaps of it.Also liostened to the abs pump chuffing it self up.
Not as exciting as some of the options here (did I say that last time?) but just changed the fuel filter.

Next.....the sedimenter thing.....if I can find it ;)
I've changed wheel bearing on a mates disco.
changed wheel bearings on mine
fitted the whole rear interior back in place, after being out for a few months waiting to weld the rear arches.
semi freed off my turbo wastegate AGAIN on saturday. Went Chippy hunting in it and stoved the passenger side of the roof in so it now matches the drivers side.:doh:

Took it for a spin on Salisbury plain on sunday and proceeded to kill the urn and then rip my fairlead of the front.:doh::doh:

Think I might need to start fixing things when I get home from work tonight.:rolleyes::p
Ah drove mine tae Crail on Friday night, had a wee travel about the area then drove it back home today. Stuck tae the shore road to the Forth road bridge, headed down the Biggar road and then down through the Dalveen pass.... Grand;):D:D
Finished sealing the snorkel, except for the plastic 'grommet' between tube and wing, think I might leave it unsealed, maintenance etc .. ;)

Made a bracket up to move the CB aerial from the mag-mount on the roof so I can mount it on the rear door/flat bit, where low tree branches won't keep sweeping it off the roof.

Had to stop 'cos I broke a finger last weekend, middle finger left hand, and it's starting to be a tad painful now. Seems I've also cut the tendon so it might take some time to fix. Doctors tomorrow, hospitals x-rayed it and put a temporary splint on, but I'll know more by tomorrow evening .. ;)
picked up the td5 from the stealers after they did the end of warranty service/MOT
not cheap but they did a whole **** load that came under warranty too so no complaints and fook me had to have yet another MAF sensor replaced :doh:
picked up the td5 from the stealers after they did the end of warranty service/MOT
not cheap but they did a whole **** load that came under warranty too so no complaints and fook me had to have yet another MAF sensor replaced :doh:


Good thing it's under warranty. It'd get eggspensive fitting a new one every 6 months otherwise.:D:D:D

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