What? because you've been a member of this site since July 2008 and I've been a member since Sept' 2009 that gives you the right to call me a newbie? thats rich coming from someone who's still thearetically wet behind the ears and hides behind a gun!!
What? because you've been a member of this site since July 2008 and I've been a member since Sept' 2009 that gives you the right to call me a newbie? thats rich coming from someone who's still [COLOR="Red"thearetically wet behind the ears][/COLOR] and hides behind a gun!!
well its been a few decades since i've been called that!:mad:
and how long have you been involved with landrovers? because i have been crawling around under um for near on 3 decades so if you cant take advice from peeps that know (not just me) i suggest you **** off and buy a slitty! :mad:
how many times do you need to be told its yer fan belt wet and slippy for **** sake!
and for your information i dont "need to hide behind a gun"
Well thanks for the advice, I'll check the belt, just sounded strange thats all.
Take a chill pill or have a nice sweet cup of tea, try to control your temper, outbursts like that lead to heart disfunction you know. By the way I'm not a retard, I just love my Landy and want what's best for it to make it last as long as possible without killing my bank account as it has done a few times already, no, I haven't been crawling around Landrovers as long as you have but I've been calm and understanding for about 45 years so far and find that I make more friends when I'm decent to people.
Still...we're not all made the same are we.
Even tho' I've been called a 'retard' on a site that I thought had likeminded Landrover people on it?
I suppose I was wrong and I should go look for another landrover site??
Seems like a friendly wave from a fellow Defender owner as you pass is probably followed up by the finger when you've gone. Such is life.
Even tho' I've been called a 'retard' on a site that I thought had likeminded Landrover people on it?
I suppose I was wrong and I should go look for another landrover site??
Seems like a friendly wave from a fellow Defender owner as you pass is probably followed up by the finger when you've gone. Such is life.

are you aware that calling someone a retard on here is a sign of affection ?
Even tho' I've been called a 'retard' on a site that I thought had likeminded Landrover people on it?
I suppose I was wrong and I should go look for another landrover site??
Seems like a friendly wave from a fellow Defender owner as you pass is probably followed up by the finger when you've gone. Such is life.

As Sean says, and it's also known as banter;)
Dunno when ye joined and introduced yerself, somebody may have suggested that they hoped ye had a thick skin and a really good sense of humour..... it's certainly needed in here:D:D
4 pages on a thread about wading plugs... I know something was going on in here, that's why i came in! :D

English... i assume you dont read much of the forum do you? or else you'd know that half the threads are full of abuse (all kindly taken as **** takin...)
read more and you should also find the answer to all of your questions
[JP];1010876 said:
4 pages on a thread about wading plugs... I know something was going on in here, that's why i came in! :D

Turn sigs off, I get only 1 page ... ;)

[JP];1010876 said:
English... i assume you dont read much of the forum do you? or else you'd know that half the threads are full of abuse (all kindly taken as **** takin...)
read more and you should also find the answer to all of your questions

Heheheh, and questions with answers you never thought would be asked or given ... ;)
This is great!!!
I never thought about going to the user CP settings and changing that..

so now I have no signatures and allowing 50 replies per page...
Can you buy and fit breather pipes which connect onto the wade plug holes in order to raise the hole inlet? What happens if the oil where the wade hole are turns creamy?
I think yu have missed the basic concept here. the idea is to block the holes - why would you want to allow a method of water entry?

oh - and yes - but they are a waste of time.

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