1. ormus


    the clarke /sip type are ok for small useage and small jobs, but as been said, better to buy a SH oxford or boc. about the same price as a new clarke and far far better. an oxford/lincoln type will last a lifetime. ive seen oxfords etc sold for 10 quid!
  2. ormus

    Where to buy

    CHURCHILL Land Rover these peeps have some nice series landys, but they aint cheap.
  3. ormus

    So What is it with Series landies

    cheap and cheerful for playtime at the weekends certainly. i love em. but as an everyday vehicle? no way josey. you need to be some sort of masochist to use it for work etc...
  4. ormus


    you might want to consider a 300 disco, youll get a much later car than a deepender for the same dosh. and it may be a more sensible choice for a first landy? (plus itll more likely be a school run chelsea tractor).
  5. ormus

    2.5 Diary

    photobucket. ormus55/landys - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
  6. ormus

    Can i just remove it?

    200 miles to home and thats gonna take about 10 hrs! fix it/get it fixed, where it is.
  7. ormus

    no electricity

    on most alternators the diode pack/rectifier are inside the alt. when an alt goes tits up, its usually one of these items thats gone west.
  8. ormus

    Fan Belt

    two most likely causes, are out of line pulleys, and wrong belt tension. remember to check the new belt tension again, after 50/100 miles or so.
  9. ormus

    no electricity

    just make sure that the alternator is always connected direct to the battery, otherwise youll find that you have a blown diode pack.
  10. ormus

    I thinking this should not look like this !!!

    upload your piccy to a site such as photobucket. then insert the url here, (where the little yellow mountain is). or just post the url link itself.
  11. ormus

    Quiz: Your engine is frozen ...

    youll be dead before you hit terra ferma. cause youll have scared yourself to fookin death.
  12. ormus

    Trainee Landy Surgeon

    piccy of the wifes threepenny bits. wifesbits.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
  13. ormus

    no electricity

    i always removed em and put in a simple junction box. cant remember the exact wiring off hand, but a google search should get a result.
  14. ormus

    land rover TAX

    the good news is that band A cars are free from road tax. the bad news is that there are no band A cars in the uk. only a socialist could make that one up.
  15. ormus

    Quiz: Your engine is frozen ...

    from my physics classes many moons ago: centrifugal, from the latin, centre fleeing, from same source as the word fugative. centripetal, from the latin, centre seeking, from the source as the flower petal. if you fly a small aircraft you soon learn about centripetal force. it can kill you...
  16. ormus

    Quiz: Your engine is frozen ...

    i was taught many yrs ago, to never ever go above a 50% mixture. seems about right too.
  17. ormus

    no electricity

    has it got a dynamo or one of them new fangled alternators?
  18. ormus

    Full Tank of Diesel Towing Trailer

    its prob a hangover from the old days wif diesels, (bleeding IP etc.) but i never let it get anywhere near the red line. and now you wont do it again will you?
  19. ormus

    Petrol Additive

    snake oil. just use a bit of redex or similar for every full tank if you really must.
  20. ormus

    300tdi timing

    im amazed it even starts!