
New Member
hi iv got a defender 90, and im taxing it at the end of this month so do i put 6 months on it and then before the tax goes up put 12 months on it? but what catogary does the defender come under?
car tax
and iv put and discovery engine in it does that have any affect on it?
Think it's already gone up mate, my Brothers is out he checked the website and it was shut for the budget. At least Dick Turpin had the decency to wear a mask. Robbing Scottish B/stard
would it please you any if he was english..or would he still be a Robbing Scottish B/stard
If you look at the Car Tax (link in first post) site the increases are only for vehicles registered after March 2001 not before. The V5 for my 300tdi states "Taxation class 8" not any of the later emissions classes, so my 300tdi is only going to attract an increase of a fiver for 12 months.
What the majority of people need to do is to stop believing that everything they hear on the Telly or radio and what they read in the newspapers is true. When they say 4X4 they mean any vehicle first taxed after 2001 and in the high emissions bracket, This does not include a four wheel drive 1000cc Fiat Panda.

Treat it like it's Eastenders and a load of utter bollocks 'cos it's all a ploy by the CIA to dumb down the British.
the good news is that band A cars are free from road tax.
the bad news is that there are no band A cars in the uk.

only a socialist could make that one up.
Does the pricing system stay the same for under 2.5litre, over 2.5litre engines? Which at the moment is £175, so technically we don't need to pay the full G price?
maybe you should start one of them there online partition...
we the undersigned ask that you mr prime sus eh? minister do hereby and forewiff change the title of 'chancellor of the exchequer' to ' that robbing bastard'
Well I did think maybe I should start commuting to work on my horse ........but even he pollutes the road;) :p
I think hospoo is a little more biodegradeable than a Porsche Cayenne Turbo though innit ;)

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