Yella disco- Fraid so! I seem to be lowering the the tone of the website.. Sorry!

Slob, yer hands ain't gonna be big enuff mate, there's a lot to cover...
Hey MHM!! Missed ya! XXX Going back to my LANDY, I nearly had a disaster doing a "SIMPLE JOB" today. Changed me 'squeaky' belt tensioner over and the bolt it sits on had been done up so tight by some eejit it had sheared nearly all the internal thread off and the bolt therefore would'nt do up and it was all just hangin there! I managed to botch it up by turning the bolt round the other way cos there was more thread on the other end and then added some 'No Nails'. Not the usual i'm sure but it got me home. Will need to get a tap and die and sort it proper tho!
yup - helicoils are best if yu can get to them easily. the kits can be pretty expensive tho. Otherwise if the room is enough then yu can tap it out to next size up.
yu doin ya clutch this w/e. Cant make it - soz - have to keep ya donuts fur sum uvva time. Just keep em warm fur me:D
Well Mr MHM! I can't keep the donuts warm forever you know! The sprinkles is already melted..! Don't think i'm gonna have time this wkend anyhow. Got a new bathroom delivered t'other day. Got to play 'plumber' and start fittin that. What yer like at plumbing love??? X

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