
New Member
So why do we all love our series landies??

They seem to be noisy, uneconomible,
they break down a fair bit though touch wood not too bad recently,
have a rough ride, poor suspension, steering that dosen't. Wouldn't it be easier just to scrap them all and buy some little tin box on four tiny wheels to go from A 2 B!

Don't get me wrong I LOVE my series iii, yes its a bit rough round the edges, rusty, noisy, thirsty, smelly and with everything wrong with it, she probably should be scrapped. But eventually She will come right and I wouldn't be without it now.

Any thoughts??
it a cheap easy to fix toy, with parts that affordable, you can dent the fooker and not knock hundreds off the value, if you want comfort and reliablity you gotta pay extra fer that and even then its not garanteed.

and yer unlikey to get pulled fer speeding
But its not just a toy, to some people, like me, its my everyday commuter, its my spare time. Everything in one vehicle.
I don't know what it is about series motors but as a mate of mine pointed out its like having herpes - once you have got the bug you can't get rid of it....

But its not just a toy, to some people, like me, its my everyday commuter, its my spare time. Everything in one vehicle.

Yip, mine too. I get to take my hobby to work, to the shops, laning, onnollidy, fkn everywhere. Can't beat it. :D
i rekkon its more of a vocation ,than a choice ,you dont think you want one till youve driven one ,eve then tho its a marmite thing ,you either love em or hate em ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, its a landy thing you wouldnt understand !!!!!!! and if you have to ask why i drive one ???? thn you definatly wouldnt understand
i rekkon its more of a vocation ,than a choice ,you dont think you want one till youve driven one ,eve then tho its a marmite thing ,you either love em or hate em ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, its a landy thing you wouldnt understand !!!!!!! and if you have to ask why i drive one ???? thn you definatly wouldnt understand

Come on then WHY do you drive one.
Come on then WHY do you drive one.

because ..............

A. i can !!!!!!!!!!!!
B. when it breaks (often) i can fix it cheaply and easily
C.whenever i drive it it puts the most ...mahoooosiiivvve smile on my face
D. felt fed up on saturday ,working hard and long hours etc ,yet soon as i took the roof and ifor williams top off ,folded the screen down ,and driven no further then 1/4 of a mile along a local green lane i was smiling from ear to ear wondering what id been so fed up about ,lauging at the owners of euroboxes sweating like mad in the heat ,wouldnt swap mine for all the exotic jap crap 4x4's in china ,sold my last series 3 and regretted it straight away ,once bitten etc .............................
E. its british ,it stands for everything that is british
F.i love it
cheap and cheerful for playtime at the weekends certainly. i love em.
but as an everyday vehicle? no way josey.
you need to be some sort of masochist to use it for work etc...
Its cold in winter
Its Hot in summer
Its windy all year round
Its smelly
Its slow
Its got **** breaks
Its got the reliability of politicians promise
Its has the thrust of a wine-o
Its leaking (Expensive) oil everywhere

If the garage was burning down it would be the first thing I rescued.
But I do agree with Ormus best to have a euro box as well if for nothing else
as a back up for them trips to the local landy parts shop.
good fer frightenin old tossers in rover 75's.......

yep and new mini drivers, its revenge for them driving with their eyes shut and not noticing the bike with its lights on, reflective jacket and noise of it coming down the road and pulling out regardless!:eek:
I forgot you dont need to warn New car drivers when you want to change lanes.
Trust me they get out of you way if you even look like you want to wonder over to there lane.
You should try it some time:D
I forgot you dont need to warn New car drivers when you want to change lanes.
Trust me they get out of you way if you even look like you want to wonder over to there lane.
You should try it some time:D

I try it every time I get into my 2a - its called slightly vague steering that requires at LEAST 2 lanes above 50MPH
Only 2 lanes!! And althoughI use it everyday I wouldn't be without her now. The wifes euro crap does fine for the rescue drive to the parts shop.
But to use anything else dosen't seem sensible any more.
Fink I've been bitten, by a bloody great bug called INFECTIOUS LANDINESS.
just because!

I can't imagine ANYTHING else. I have ALWAYS had a series, usually a few at any given time, there is just something addictive about them. THey are so damned robust, so absolutely unbreakable, so built to last and last and last. I love the old Landy slogan - "Land Rover, First because Land Rover lasts" and it does! And you know what I absolutely LOVE . . . the look on the faces of 80 thousand dollar Toyota Landcruiser owners as I pull them out of the soft sand with a 1948 buket of tin and bolts. - PRICELESS. THey can't comprehend that something that looks like it cost a hundred bucks from the scrapyard can be so damned capable!.
It's great especially when you have some snotty city boy with his polished Cruiser, THOUSANDS of dollars of lights, bullbar, racks and a 3 thousand dollar winch that has never been used because he hasn't got a fecking clue, His high maintenance missus alongside him made up like a Geisha Girl in her nightclubbing gear trying to be 'seen' by all and sundry and they are stone motherless STUCK, BELLIED OUT AND FARKED. All because he assumes that because it cost a years salary it can do anything!!!

Then the real fun starts!, You watch as he nonchalantly climbs out, has a quick not so discreet peep around to see if anyone saw (hahaha) and than tries to look unfussed as though it's not a drama. He farts around for a half hour or so all the while digging it in further, his MONSTER truck tyres no use at all except to keep on digging!! (well he still has 40psi in em!!) Meanwhile the glamour has shrunk into the seat to now AVOID being seen!! .

Cue stage left, BATTERED old '48 landy with no paint, no doors, no windscreen, no roof and a 6 foot 3 shaven headed scruffy looking bloke that looks like his head has broken a few fists over the years at the wheel (me!) .

At first snotty city boy puffs out the chest and its a case of "Ah it's all right mate, yeah I'll get it out....... gee bit soft though isn't it" - but after another 15 minutes of clueless blundering he concedes the need for help, albeit tempered by "what with THAT thing?" as you offer recovery!!

Yeah cobber, with THAT thing, get some air out of those boots, down to about 15 pounds..........blank looks.. do it for him!!. 10 minutes later the bucket of bolts recovers the shiny toy, no damage done, except to his ego!!!! and ... ANOTHER T with a cross through it on the front guard (sorry..wing) Fighter ace style....

Just for interests sake it now has....

9 T's - 6 Cruisers and 3 Hilux
14 N's - 9 Patrols 4 Navara's and a 720B
4 H's - 3 Holden Jackaroos and 1 Rodeo
7 J's - Cheap Cherokees
5 S's - 4 Suzuki Vitara's and 1 Sierra (like the Rhino in the UK)
1 L - Lada Niva
1 VW !!!!!

And you know what, how many of the 'above' has ever had to recover a LANDY ????????

THAT'S why I love series!!!!!

:) Kris
name 1 other vehicle that can claim the variety of owners,

the Queen
chris evans
your local farmer
brian adams
the british army

Its the only 1 owned by the poorest and the richest in the world, driven in the most remote and the most populated parts of the world,

If you tell me you drive a porche, a fiesta, etc, i can probably put you in a box, tell me you drive a sii, i know nothing about you.

it has class, and yet no class, it has style, and yet no style.

And lastly, it is the only vehicle that in my experiance, a london taxi will give way to.

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