1. mrchurchill109

    The 110.

    1. This is not a sprint it is a marathon. Don't get discoraged - as has been said one thing at a time and you'll be amazed at what you end up with. 2. Bought my first Landy over 20 years ago (a IIA 109 pickup) and it was far worse than what you have, and rotten to boot. I still have it- did 300...
  2. mrchurchill109

    Tappets Done, But !

    Can't hurt to service them. When I bought my ex-MOD truck the injectors were horrid. A good service and cleaning did them wonders. i eventually replaced them (worn pintles) but the service did make a significant difference. ajr
  3. mrchurchill109

    Multimeter coil readings

    Just went through this exercise finding a dud coil on my 109. 3.x ohms is OK for the primary and the 6.2K for the secondary is fine as well. Alan
  4. mrchurchill109

    Handled like a boat without a Rudder

    You mean in, right? Ran into this problem before - fulltime 4WD gets toed out because they pulll in under power.. Part-rime 4WD gets toed in because they toe out on the road.
  5. mrchurchill109

    Handled like a boat without a Rudder

    OK, i've tried this trick a few times and never managed to get it right. I always feel like I'm fouling the suspension trying to get to the back and front inside rim - I don;t feel like I've adjusted it properly. Do tell a few details - my 109 could use a bit of tweaking in this respect, i...
  6. mrchurchill109

    Series 3 Name That Rattle

    Actually, i've seen that happen. Had a valve stick in a 2.25 petrol and though lumpy it drove 30+ miles home with no problems. Pulling the head and dealing with the ****-poor reaming job the machine shop did on the valve guides was another story... :( Alan
  7. mrchurchill109

    Series 3 Name That Rattle

    So you saying you were off your rocker? :)
  8. mrchurchill109

    Series 3 Name That Rattle

    Gonna sound like a dumb question, but have you tried running it with the valve cover off at low idle and touching the rockers in turn? Did that on a pesky RV8 rattle once and it let me track it to a punched-out rocker arm. Isolating the problem to one or two valves might make it easier to...
  9. mrchurchill109

    smiths/jaeger speedometer repair manual link

    Were it me I'd be hiunting him down to throw dosh at him for the guts of the speedometers...case and face can be sourced from broken speedometers.
  10. mrchurchill109

    Short circuit distributor

    First, get a wiring diagram for your car - it will be a good thing to have. With the coil, the 12 volt wire from the harness goes to NEGATIVE. The wire from the distributor goes to POSITIVE. Putting both wires to negative created a dead short. Fix the wires and try again.
  11. mrchurchill109

    cold start light how to get it to go off when cable removed

    The switch actuates through a hole in the cable sheath - when the shaft is pulled out the switch drops down. Find that bit and tie-wrap it up. or simply disconnnect the +12 at the switch. Whaat are you going to use for a choke cable?
  12. mrchurchill109

    2.25 petrol with weber carb

    Lowest idle that sounds good to you. I believe the spec is 800 RPM (but i don't have manuals in front of me at the moment). Personally, I go for what sounds correct rather than a number.
  13. mrchurchill109

    Series 3 steering lock

    Yes, been there and drilled it out. Not specifically on a Series III column lock, but done it on door locks and an early IIA ignition lock. Be careful and use a light hand and it's doable.
  14. mrchurchill109

    Engine out - what to refresh?

    Long done - and 300 TDis are not exactly thick on the ground in the Northeast US. I like the 2.5D, actually, even though the one I fitted end up having a bad pistonb and turned into a goat rodeo to fit. Lovely engine in good nick - which it is now.
  15. mrchurchill109

    Correct fuse rating- S2a, V8

    Original spec on a 2A were 20-amp fuses in the holders. This isn;t completely applicable with what you have because neither of those items (Kenlowe) or the V8 were stock . Were it me I'd have the kenlowe on a 10-amp fuse direct to battery positive and not through the fuse block, and if the...
  16. mrchurchill109

    Engine not fireing

    Might be worth having the top off thecarburettor and cleaning the jets. Sounds to me like a blocked jet or crap blocking the float valve leading to a dry bowl...I hate it when that happens. One thing to check is the input filter if it's a Weber carb - seen them clog before. Whatever it is is...
  17. mrchurchill109

    Little advise needed please

    Re: Looseness with brake locked: Yep, swivel play. I will lay long odds if you've not reset the bearings then the play could well be there.
  18. mrchurchill109

    Series 3 Heater control valve makers

    If it's the brass thing, open it all the way and have a look down the inlet. i recently got one from a supplier that when "open" all the way had only a small opening - well less than half the outlet pipe diameter. What the hell good is a heater with little to no water flow, I asked the...
  19. mrchurchill109

    Tyre choice

    Re: Wear: Can't tell you much on my truck personally (just fitted them a few months ago and done maybe 1K miles) but my son-in-law had them on an American small pickup and said they wore well despite his taste for spirited driving.