1. Browning GTS

    roll cage trouble, they seen me coming.

    Iv`e found a good place to fit the spare tyre. On the steering wheel. It also saves the need for an Air Bag
  2. Browning GTS

    Landy Runaway but i managed to catch it.

    Strange thing today. I was driving my Landy 2.5 n/a diesel in low range when after about 200 yd`s she got very smokie, next thing i know the motor has runaway( you know turn off the key it keeps on running ):mad: So into gear and stalled it. Left it 5 minutes restarted no probs.:) The only...
  3. Browning GTS

    people that need putting against the wall

    so true i am a dog owner and if my dog dumps on the path i pick it up. With bloody cats though as you say as soon as you dig a bit of garden CRAP in it. And look at all the wildlife ( song birds ect) The fu--ing things kill. :mad:
  4. Browning GTS

    How old is everyone?

    Well thank ---- for that i thought i might the old git here 48. but i see we are out numbered :p also got a 90 truck cab.
  5. Browning GTS

    people that need putting against the wall

    People who say. "Long time no see". :mad: :mad: :mad:
  6. Browning GTS

    New Manual

    Well i just got my new Haynes manual today first job is a new heater blower motor. For years now what with normally running new cars the last time i got the hands dirty must have been about 20 years ago. But now i have my baby that is going to change:) ( just hope the misses stops moaning...
  7. Browning GTS

    Try this

    Count every "F " in the following text: FINISHED FILES ARE THE RE SULT OF YEARS OF SCIENTI FIC STUDY COMBINED WITH THE EXPERIENCE OF YEARS... (SEE BELOW) HOW MANY ? ...................... 3? WRONG, THERE ARE 6 -- no...
  8. Browning GTS

    Oil on wheels

    I think it is on the out side, well the oil is on the out side of wheel will have to go and have another look.
  9. Browning GTS

    Oil on wheels

    Cheers as i said the dealer should cover it but a least i will know next time.
  10. Browning GTS

    Oil on wheels

    I am not to worried because i have a six month warrenty. But i have oil leaking out of the hub on the N/S/R wheel this is more apparent after a high speed run ( well 60mph :) ) Has any one had this problem and is it easy to fix? Will be calling the dealer this week, but i just wondered if it...
  11. Browning GTS

    Them Gears

    Is this normal? When i first set off it can be a bit difficult to change gear without getting grinding from the gears, normally between 1st and 2nd, and 4th to 3rd. However once everything has warmed up no prob`s. Does anyone else get this if so should i worry:confused:
  12. Browning GTS

    Seized Handbrake

    Well a least it will stop the darn things sqealing :p ;)
  13. Browning GTS

    Spraying Matt Nato Green Paint

    Yes but will it stay on over the years, the army ones probabaly change so often it is not put on to last.
  14. Browning GTS


    What Heater? Am i missing something here!!
  15. Browning GTS

    Spraying Matt Nato Green Paint

    About to paint my baby in Nato Green. With a brush and roller, dont worry about spraying to much hassel ( i used to be in the trade) Lets face it, it is`nt a Rolls Royce.
  16. Browning GTS

    cheap fuel again

    Tescos can help £1.25 for 3 litres rapeseed oil
  17. Browning GTS


    Thame LandRover £40 an hour don`t look to bad does it?
  18. Browning GTS

    Under Pressure

    Help me please. Fitted to my new 90 are Goodrich 235/85r16`s can anyone tell me what pressure ib`s or Bar i should run them at. I will be driving on roads and farm tracks/fields. Cheers
  19. Browning GTS

    Australian Radio

    This got Australia laughing. Read it and you'll see why! Just imagine sitting in traffic on your way to work and hearing this. Many Sydneyfolks DID hear this on the FOX FM morning show in Sydney. The DJs play a game where they award winners great prizes. The game is called "Mate Match". The...
  20. Browning GTS

    top speed

    Just got my 90 2.5 n/a c reg cab today and as the dealer told me its about 55-60 top end. But i did not get it for speed just for the FUN