
New Member
Hey im from australia and i was just wondering what an technition gets paid over your way an hour and what is a landrover dealership average hourly rate
apart from a technician that can't spell his own job title what sort are you. a lab tech gets paid more than a highway cleansing tech. and a thermal bond fabrication tech gets more than a highway cleansing tech but less than a lab tech at the top of his profession. then you have the inflated sphere movement technician that get paid more than the rest put together. so you see it all depends what kinda tech you is, and if you really are a technition then thats sounds like someone in the highway cleansing technician level of pay.
as for the dealer hourly rates i have no idea i never take my veehickllls to a garage to be fixed. i don't trust them to; a) find the problem b) not to try and rip me orf and also i prefer to do it meself atleast if i ferk up its my fault.
Hmm, that was helpful then Slob! Though, must say I've no idea what the rate is for a mechanic. I would say though going by what I know of main dealership's service & prices they must employ primates but pay them about the same as supermodels!

Actually, that's no more helpful than Slob's reply! Sorry Landytech. I'd say best bet is find one on t'internet & call/email them. They can only tell you to sod off.

Is this because you want to work here or because you want to negotiate a pay rise in Oz'?

Regards & welcome,
wot do, you expect the dude asks a question without all the needed info.
what does a techition get paid? that like asking how fast does a car go? or the old how long is a piece of string?
i know that the masser garage uesd to charge 85 squid an hout but that was years ago so ,and i'm guessing here a landy dealer is probelly askin around the 100 squid mark.
I expect nothing more or less chap...............Buuuuuut, do garages really charge that an hour? Feck, glad I don't use them neither! Thas' fekin crinimal!
yup i would guess around the hundred quid an hour mark. saying that my next door neighbour has a ****ty vw golf, and he took it to a main dealer not so long back and their labour rate is £140 an hour!!!!

i goto a back street ex-landy mechanic, and he charges around £60 per hour.
My missus broke the hood on her Merc :mad: and they are charging £98 an hour labour. I know , I know it's a girlie car but she is a bird at least.:D

They have been pretty reasonable actually coz they have showed me what it would cost to fix properly £1500 :eek: and then said they think they might get away with less parts at about £350. They called today to tell me the parts are in so we'll see. I really don't fancy ****ing about with the hydraulics on a modern hood - the car's only 4 years old.

Anyhow - Current Mercedes Main Dealer rate is £98 / Hour - I imagine LR dealers to be similar.
Shiiiiiiiit the feckin bed, the worls' gone mad!

It's that long since I've had to go to a garage that in the meantime I might have saved meself enough to become a space tourist (had I not found other places to spend me hard earned!) That said I kinda thought I'd reached a "station in life" where I might start to entrust a motor or two to someone else to get oily over..........................FECK THAT!
If you do the maths, even if each Mechanic only has 30 hours work per week, it's over £150K they bring in for the garage! :eek:

I'm in the wrong business.
i think you'll find what they charge you for is not the same as the amount of time spend on yer veehickill
well over here in oz hourly rate is 120 dollars an hour, and an average tech is paid between 17 to 25 dollars an hour, depending on how much training u have, apprentices start at 6 dollars an hour

My local landrover specialist only charges between £50-60 per hour.
and thats in surrey.

Bigstoo said:
the exchange rate is 2.35 to the pound.

so your oz dealership charges about £51 per hour. which is bloody good (if you are a customer that is) compared to the rest of the landy world

that all depends on what the average wage is, i.e if the aussies get paid have as much as the brits then in real terms they pay about the same % of their salary, on the other hand if they get pay twice as much, then they have a real bargain. remember about 10 years ago it was about 4$au to the pound.
I own and run my own garage and work on £45per hour inc vat.
Reading the main dealer price,s quoted above (and people pay them!!)
Why??? do people /customers ask (how much for cash or can you lose the vat??? )...
So do I start to charge £100 per hour and give free coffee and crap mags on a glass table???.
Or carry on with no complaint,s about service and drive my 1986 Rangey instead of a new disco3 ??
Must have it wrong somewhere!!

Ho well 36 now nearly there 65,s not far away!.
BMW dealership near me charges 140 quid per hour!
i know a mechanic there and he gets about 10 quid per hour.
they have a night shift and he can get another 20% or so.

ps. the dealership has 2 garages. if you phone them, the first thing they ask you is what yr is the car? if its an old one they send you to the 2nd garage and charge cheaper rates.
**** the bed, that's £2.33 per minute! Every time a mechanic scratches his head (or more likely his arse) it would cost you around 10p............Making the tea could cost you £5 upwards!...............Going for a dump could cost, £12? (depending what he's reading..........might run to £25 if he knocks one out!)

Solution? Buy a Landy & a box of spanners not a Beemer! Orrrrrrr, buy a Landy & go see Camel1 & take yer own coffee, table & copy of "Nuts".

£140 an hour to look like a pimp, it ain't right!

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