1. speedwaybabe

    Another lovely day out

    You'd be surprised what you can shipin from China these days!!:D
  2. speedwaybabe

    Another lovely day out

    Think they were discussing hand me down shoes, apparently Tommy says Pikey needs a smaller size and he's just grown out of his best pair!! :p
  3. speedwaybabe

    Another lovely day out

    Thats my boy!!!! :p:D
  4. speedwaybabe

    freelander update!!

    well, as most of you know, i bought a dog of a freelander last july (stupid i know) but i hate to admit the fact that when i took it off roading a few weekends ago it turned out to be pretty damned impressive! after months of argueing with the garage over a new gearbox, i decided to let it be...
  5. speedwaybabe

    rights of way

    Ordnance survey map? from local whsmith, should show you all local byways? or, do what i do, aim for em n check little signs on the way in?? just a thought, byway or noway lol
  6. speedwaybabe

    gearbox workings n repairs: update

    its not kick down cable, or it would change but it doesnt, its screams! lol and i took it to Land Rover, are they not respectable enough? :( will take it as it comes and get it fixed as n when i can, then get rid, never want another gaylander again!!! lol
  7. speedwaybabe

    Hi all - yet another noob

    hello and welcome, i push my freebie off road too, better than ever expected!
  8. speedwaybabe

    new joiner

    hello and welcome
  9. speedwaybabe

    gearbox workings n repairs: update

    well, as posted a few months back, i have had nothing but problems since day one, hence taking garage to court of faulty goods etc. . . when the car tries to change gear from 3rd to 4th n 4th to 5th it races and revs before eventually changes! drives me insane, have had it to Barretts and they...
  10. speedwaybabe

    gearbox workings n repairs: update

    its never too far in a landy, its one long adventure!! :):)
  11. speedwaybabe

    gearbox workings n repairs: update

    hi, me again hehe well, i do not understand any workings of a td4 auto box, but have been told that my problem is 2 belts inside the box that are worn, they will get worse over time, hence need a new gearbox, @ £2500!! (or rebuild) i have spoke to numerous people about my problem and as most of...
  12. speedwaybabe

    Landyzone Stickers Choose here

    come on, make ya minds up, get em printed, and i want the old style!! please!! :)
  13. speedwaybabe

    Im back;) And wanting your advice?!! (long)

    well, im not saying its gonna happen straight away, ive got 2 years to get it done, and when i decide to do sumink i will!! and as for advice i already had the car when joined this site and have followed lawyers advice the whole way and stand a good chance according to trading standards...
  14. speedwaybabe

    Im back;) And wanting your advice?!! (long)

    Hey, well as most of you know i have been without the net for a wee while and now i am back online, yay!! Well, story so far. . . I got me a lil td4 freelander back in july with a few faults that the garage completely ignored and never tried to fix! After finally having enough money to...
  15. speedwaybabe

    Hello all

    hello and welcome,like ya dream car already!!
  16. speedwaybabe

    Hello People !!!!!!!!

    hello and welcome, i too own a freebie, post some pics
  17. speedwaybabe

    hello all

    hello there, im a fellow freelander owner too. . not long been on the forum, u will get lots of stick but they great poeps and a good laugh.. welcome and hope u find them usefull and not useless!! hehe
  18. speedwaybabe

    Squaealing brakes

    mine do it but only in bad rain. . . so please tell me its the wet n not sumink else wrong with the feckin freebie!
  19. speedwaybabe

    Defender or Discovery??? Vote Now!!

    hmm. . well, as i dont do that much motorway driving and really do luv the def, i think thats gonna have to be my decision. . . . will test drive both before though but as my memory goes i enjoyed the def more, much more fun, plus, people move outta ya way!! ;)
  20. speedwaybabe

    wanted "Freelander" badge/sticker

    diss-gise wat??