1. Onestep

    Mud shield fitment

    Mr Treworgey, I'm not entirely sure, but given that my new bits are made of metal,and fit in the sides of the engine bay, I suspect not. Regards, Onestep
  2. Onestep

    Mud shield fitment

    Good evening Buster, Unforunately I have to pop out for a brief while, so will be offline fo next 3 hours or so. However will absent myself for a short spell to take the air and, who knows, perhaps take a few quick "piccies". Will post them later if I can. Regards, Onestep p.s. Were...
  3. Onestep

    Mud shield fitment

    Good evening one and all. Took delivery of a pair of new mudshields from the good people of the Paddock today. The old bus has none at the moment so all the mud and water currently all over the shop here is slopping towards the engine. Have three helpful holes in the upper part of the wings...
  4. Onestep

    new discovery owner

    Good evening nowIhaveone. As a relative newcomer myself, I can tell you for sure that if it is the mad, the knowledgeable, the wild, the innocent and the e-street shuffle you are looking for, then you are most assuredly at the best, wierdest forum on the net. Enjoy! Regards, Onestep
  5. Onestep

    Landys vs Ladys

    Mrs Onestep is really rather keen on our "new" bus. She has no desire to drive it, but seems strangely exhilirated by the rather uneven travelling it serves up. It has the additional benefit that by being excessively loud, she is unable to make out much of the drivel I talk. Then again her...
  6. Onestep

    Places where the sun never shines

    Mr Unsworth, Private message on its way to you. Regards, Onestep
  7. Onestep

    Places where the sun never shines

    Many thanks Mr Unsworth. You are a gentleman Your information has been most useful and I shall follow up your suggestions tomorrow once I've rested. Regards, Onestep
  8. Onestep

    Places where the sun never shines

    Good evening one and all once again, Have been busy with the old developer, fixer and red light once more. As a result have two photos which may, or indeed may not, be of use to those of you with a passing interest in my bus. (Is the second picture any use lrb2?) Incidentally what is...
  9. Onestep

    The "dog" Thread

    Good evening, As canine companions appear to be the order of this thread, below is a picture of my dog, Katy. A fine beastie she is too though wet, muddy days are never particularly welcomed in our household. Regards, Onestep
  10. Onestep

    Pictures not at an exhibition

    lrb2, Only have these 2 at present, but again will play with my box brownie tomorrrow and post something tomorrow evening. Regards, Onestep
  11. Onestep

    Pictures not at an exhibition

    Buster, How did you know? The vehicle came with the special fried rice I bought last weekend from the take away on St Michael's Street. It was the special part of the order I believe. Isn't it a lovely night in the "sunny" SW incidentally? Regards, Onestep
  12. Onestep

    Pictures not at an exhibition

    lrb2, Why thank you for your kind words. Perhaps undervalued at £1.50 then! As a taxi it throbs along slowly and pleasantly, though I'm guessing it had a bigger engine in the past. I'll start doing some research and begin the long and oily road to restoring her. You can rest assured that...
  13. Onestep

    Pictures not at an exhibition

    lrb2, I'm sorry to say that at present this is the best that I can do. I shall endeavour to take a further snap when it is light. And thank you, I feel "smug git" is indeed highly appropriate at present. Regards, Onestep
  14. Onestep

    Pictures not at an exhibition

    Good evening, To begin with I'd like to nominate the inestimable Bustersbus for two awards. Firstly for posting a fine image of his Landrover in the hills, and secondly for curing my congenital computer disorder. He has succeeded where many creams, pills and suppositories have failed, and...
  15. Onestep

    Piccies as requested

    Good morning to you all, As requested, following my initial postings to this esteemed forum, my darkroom has been reused and I have placed a few of the resultant "piccies" in the Series Gallery. I attempted to place them in here, but once again my genetic problem (congenital computing...
  16. Onestep


    Hello. I too am new to this wierd and wonderful forum, and like you pilot an old lady landy around the byways (I have a 1972 lwb series 3). I just thought I'd post a reply to you as I noticed no one else had as yet. All the best, Onestep
  17. Onestep

    The Old Rag Doll

    Dear lrb2, HybridGirl, the Mad Hat Man and others, Thanks for the replies. I confess that I do not comprehend many of them, however I have hunted out the old box brownie and located some colour 110 film. Have shot off a few frames of the canal boat, and am looking forward to a productive...
  18. Onestep

    The Old Rag Doll

    Good morning. As a total newcomer to all this land rover stuff (see introductory posts for details) my questions may well seem to exhibit a level of idiocy rare in someone who has managed to survive as long as I have. I possess what I now know to be a series 3 long wheel base land rover...
  19. Onestep

    What have I done?

    Treworgey 90, Many thanks. The E45 has now been returned to the bathroom cabinet where it can now continue its decomposition unmolested. Diffs? Having taken advisement, I believe I have Salisbury differentials front and rear. (Do I require a chiropracter for these?) I look froward to...
  20. Onestep

    What have I done?

    Treworgey 90, EP90? I believe that this was the oily stuff that I applied to the rear ends of my children to prevent nasty rashes when they were babies. I shall seek out my vehicle's rear end forthwith and apply cream. Thanks for the tip. Onestep