
New Member
Good evening,

To begin with I'd like to nominate the inestimable Bustersbus for two awards. Firstly for posting a fine image of his Landrover in the hills, and secondly for curing my congenital computer disorder. He has succeeded where many creams, pills and suppositories have failed, and without having to examine anything which one would wish to remain hidden. The proof of his medical prowess should be in evidence below, as there should be some pictures of my bus. I shall not bore you all with showing all those that I have posted elsewhere, but for the non-gallery visiting public you may find these of mild interest.

As always, comments and suggestions, be they sensible or otherwise welcome, but remember my lack of knowledge does not end with computers and I nearly put E45 into my gearbox at the weekend.


P.s. lrb2 if you're reading this, the tyres are 900s. Is this good?
P.p.s. Doobie, I don't believe that the engine is from a Landrover but rather an Austin taxi and it has two fans for the 4 warmish, dry days we have up here



Glad ye got it sorted out in the end onestep;) :D

When ah seen the title of this thread ah started thinkin' of E.L&P for some strange reason!!:eek: :D
Good evening,

To begin with I'd like to nominate the inestimable Bustersbus for two awards. Firstly for posting a fine image of his Landrover in the hills, and secondly for curing my congenital computer disorder. He has succeeded where many creams, pills and suppositories have failed, and without having to examine anything which one would wish to remain hidden. The proof of his medical prowess should be in evidence below, as there should be some pictures of my bus. I shall not bore you all with showing all those that I have posted elsewhere, but for the non-gallery visiting public you may find these of mild interest.

As always, comments and suggestions, be they sensible or otherwise welcome, but remember my lack of knowledge does not end with computers and I nearly put E45 into my gearbox at the weekend.


P.s. lrb2 if you're reading this, the tyres are 900s. Is this good?
P.p.s. Doobie, I don't believe that the engine is from a Landrover but rather an Austin taxi and it has two fans for the 4 warmish, dry days we have up here




it is if its a one ton ..... i think it could be .....

have you got a piccie of it just below the front bumper ..... from the front , if ya get me drift ...
I'm sorry to say that at present this is the best that I can do. I shall endeavour to take a further snap when it is light.
And thank you, I feel "smug git" is indeed highly appropriate at present.


I'm sorry to say that at present this is the best that I can do. I shall endeavour to take a further snap when it is light.
And thank you, I feel "smug git" is indeed highly appropriate at present.



i deffo think thats a one ton ..... if it is they are quite sort after but i'm not at all jealous .... i'm not honist ....:cool:

thats a proper landrover is that , very very nice .....
i deffo think thats a won ton ..... if it is they are quite sort after but i'm not at all jealous .... i'm not honist ....:cool:
Eh!!! Ye can buy them at yer local chinese take away, they're not that hard tae come by:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :p :D
Why thank you for your kind words. Perhaps undervalued at £1.50 then! As a taxi it throbs along slowly and pleasantly, though I'm guessing it had a bigger engine in the past. I'll start doing some research and begin the long and oily road to restoring her. You can rest assured that there'll be more idiotic questions and colour pictures as I slowly progress. What indeed have I done?

Why thank you for your kind words. Perhaps undervalued at £1.50 then! As a taxi it throbs along slowly and pleasantly, though I'm guessing it had a bigger engine in the past. I'll start doing some research and begin the long and oily road to restoring her. You can rest assured that there'll be more idiotic questions and colour pictures as I slowly progress. What indeed have I done?


if you can get a clearer picture of the bulkhead we will be able to tell if it was a 6 potter , they had a different shaped bulkhead to the rest , i think it was the same shape as the later v8 ones .... try and take a piccie of the inside if ya can , speshly just under the dash .....

How did you know? The vehicle came with the special fried rice I bought last weekend from the take away on St Michael's Street. It was the special part of the order I believe.
Isn't it a lovely night in the "sunny" SW incidentally?


How did you know? The vehicle came with the special fried rice I bought last weekend from the take away on St Michael's Street. It was the special part of the order I believe.

Just a lucky guess onestep;) Prefer the one on Glasgow street mesel', nice and clean:D
Isn't it a lovely night in the "sunny" SW incidentally?
It is now that wee spit in the wind has stopped:D
Only have these 2 at present, but again will play with my box brownie tomorrrow and post something tomorrow evening.



Good news, Looks like it is a 1 ton...

I asked a lad I know who is a serious 1 ton anorak, He runs the 9.00 club and passed him the info and he reckons its the real deal and wants to know your Chassis number, if its a 1 ton it should be "266***** something, Probably a B suffix"

He aslo owns the oldest 1 ton. The others were scrapped. Like I said he is the 1 Ton man!.
i'd love a one ton me ... i remember seeing one when i was a kid ... fickin huge thing it was .... but i also want a 101 and a ferrari so i'll dream on ...

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