
New Member
With the death of my last car, a fine, plastic 1980's Renault 5, I decided that a newer small vehicle was required. For reasons still not entirely clear, I bought something more metallic, something that I have now found out is called a series 3 land rover. Knowing almost nothing about this new mode of transport I am seeking help and advice from those who speak a language different to my own. You will also have the added bonus, if you are that way inclined, of being able to offer up completely bogus information, safe in the knowledge that there will be a chance that I will put it into operation. As a middle aged teacher, I believe I am singularly poorly qualified to attempt to breathe life into my new charge, but unfettered by common sense, I am willing to give it a go. All suggestions, other than "Sell it" are welcome, and I look forward to experiencing the raw collective wisdom of this forum.

Unwittingly, you have dramatically changed the rest of your life. From now on, you will experience years of pleasure and pain and suffer from permanent dirty fingernails. You will not be able to escape the EP90 that will continuously ooze from your pores.
Enjoy the ride!
sell it , sell it quick .... to me for £1.50 ... but thats delivered to my house tho .....

and post some piccies will ya cos them tyres look like they may be 900's to me ...... interesting ....

oh and welcome to ward one of the mad hooose ...... whoooo whooooooooooooooooooo......
Treworgey 90,


I believe that this was the oily stuff that I applied to the rear ends of my children to prevent nasty rashes when they were babies. I shall seek out my vehicle's rear end forthwith and apply cream. Thanks for the tip.

Treworgey 90,


I believe that this was the oily stuff that I applied to the rear ends of my children to prevent nasty rashes when they were babies. I shall seek out my vehicle's rear end forthwith and apply cream. Thanks for the tip.

nah, that was E45. :)

EP90 is what you apply to your Landy's Diffs and Transfer Box and it then kindly gives it back by depositing it onto your driveway.
Treworgey 90,

Many thanks. The E45 has now been returned to the bathroom cabinet where it can now continue its decomposition unmolested.


Having taken advisement, I believe I have Salisbury differentials front and rear. (Do I require a chiropracter for these?) I look froward to purchasing some of the aforementioned lubricant, applying it liberally to my diffs, and waiting for my block paving to change colour. I trust that when it rains I will then be rewarded with many rainbows.


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