
New Member
Good morning.

As a total newcomer to all this land rover stuff (see introductory posts for details) my questions may well seem to exhibit a level of idiocy rare in someone who has managed to survive as long as I have.

I possess what I now know to be a series 3 long wheel base land rover. However when I lifted the bonnet and proudly showed the engine to a far more knowledgeable friend, their surprise turned to laughter. Apparently nestling between the front wheels is a reconditioned 2.2L BMC diesel taxi engine. Apparently this was also the powerplant used to pull Rosie and Jim (of children's tv fame) along in their canal boat. Loud and slow, much like myself, it does not seem to drink fuel, so for now it stays. However, does anyone out there enjoy the same 0 to 35mph acceleration as I do, are there any useful books about this monstrously vociferous machine and where do I get filters for it?

Your suggestions are most welcome, but now I must go as I have a pick up at 11.15 at the railway station. The meter is running.

Good morning.

As a total newcomer to all this land rover stuff (see introductory posts for details) my questions may well seem to exhibit a level of idiocy rare in someone who has managed to survive as long as I have.

I possess what I now know to be a series 3 long wheel base land rover. However when I lifted the bonnet and proudly showed the engine to a far more knowledgeable friend, their surprise turned to laughter. Apparently nestling between the front wheels is a reconditioned 2.2L BMC diesel taxi engine. Apparently this was also the powerplant used to pull Rosie and Jim (of children's tv fame) along in their canal boat. Loud and slow, much like myself, it does not seem to drink fuel, so for now it stays. However, does anyone out there enjoy the same 0 to 35mph acceleration as I do, are there any useful books about this monstrously vociferous machine and where do I get filters for it?

Your suggestions are most welcome, but now I must go as I have a pick up at 11.15 at the railway station. The meter is running.


Hehehe! My mate had one in her narrowboat. They wer a popular engine to marinise and they tended to be chucked into cheap ****ty boats rather than the posh ones! So yer mite be able to get filters from a chandlery shop. 0 to 35mph eh?! Me mates did 0 to 6mph in about 2 minits which is quite good. The bastid thing used to overheat tho and leave her stranded in the middle of the canal. And it was addicted to Easy Start.
apparently it came from that crap tv prog - big brother. I think the acturl quote is (in a welsh voice) "I like blinking - i do" :rolleyes:
Dear lrb2, HybridGirl, the Mad Hat Man and others,

Thanks for the replies. I confess that I do not comprehend many of them, however I have hunted out the old box brownie and located some colour 110 film. Have shot off a few frames of the canal boat, and am looking forward to a productive hour or so in the dark room (always a bit of a guilty pleasure I must admit). Once the prints have dried sufficiently I'll follow the instructions elsewhere on this site and let you see what is currently blocking the light from entering my kitchen.

I like the thought of "Easy Start" by the way. Does one take it before or after retiring for the evening, and does one get a discount for large orders?

I like the thought of "Easy Start" by the way. Does one take it before or after retiring for the evening, and does one get a discount for large orders?


Easy Start is best taken first thing in the morning. Followed by a strong coffee. And a bacon butty. :) If you take it in the evenin' you'll never get to sleep..

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