1. 110Mikey

    anyone got stuck in there landy??

    Towed me first HGV artic lorry Tuesday night. Took some doing, kids loved it...:)
  2. 110Mikey

    Bikes & a 90????

    I use a cycle carrier that clamps on to the tow bar. It carries mine and missus mountain bikes, whilst 3 kids bikes go in the back. One of the kids bikes is an adult size mountain bike and that goes in diagonally in the back, so I don't need to take any wheels off or anything like that. The...
  3. 110Mikey

    Fitted a driveway security post today

    ... And yes we have to check every time before driving off, that everything is 'unlocked/off/closed/retracted'. It's a bit of pain in the arse to be honest, but the reality is, if I want a landy, and want to keep it, then I have to do these things.
  4. 110Mikey

    Fitted a driveway security post today

    It is also 19mm chain & squire padlock, which is anchored to the chassis, and concreted in at the other end. It's bolted on with cone torque nuts at one end, and ballbearing hammered facing hex hole. As regards gates stoppin em gettin in... Most barriers can ultimately be climbed over etc, as...
  5. 110Mikey

    Fitted a driveway security post today

    I put in a security post earlier this year during which my landy had been visited three times in the early hours. Initially had a fold down type, which was enough to stop them towing the landy off the drive (which is what they were trying to do). But after the third visit upgraded the security...
  6. 110Mikey

    Interesting reading

    Can't take anyone seriously whose got a 'Karma Giving Power' of only 12 FFS...
  7. 110Mikey

    Northern pub meet location

    27th August it is then...:)
  8. 110Mikey

    What do you have on your roofrack?

    Carried a 6' x 4' x 2'ft fishpond. Not that heavy, but v. bulky and made 110 look like a dormobile. Never carried grooming products on it mind, might seem a bit strange that...
  9. 110Mikey

    Northern pub meet location

    Add me to the list too.
  10. 110Mikey

    Cheaper GPS Trackers (DIY!)

    I agrees.
  11. 110Mikey

    How fast does your landy go...

    It's this foam mat stuff from Acoustic Moulded Matting System Cab side: covers footwells, transmission tunnel & seat boxes. Will get similar for under bonnet, second row seats & rear load area when I've got some cash. It does make hell of a difference mind. Talk & listen to stereo @ 65 no...
  12. 110Mikey

    Why do defenders hold their value ?

    Just went out to get some diesel for me 110, help Govt out with the tax etc :mad: Did a double take going past local Vauxhall dealership... Had a nice shiny silver 06 110 amongst the corsas, astras, vectras on the forecourt. They was askin £18k for it, immaculate condition, no...
  13. 110Mikey

    How fast does your landy go...

    I normally do 60 - 70 in me 110 TD5 on motorways. Will do 85 at a push, but gets a bit scary after that.:eek: Got sound proofing in front and that makes a hell of a difference mind.
  14. 110Mikey

    head or heart

    Get a 200/300tdi defender and a run about. You know you'll regret it if ya don't.. When offroading etc you want to be enjoying what your doing, not worrying about scratches & scrapes. If ya get a cheap economical runabout then it's not that expensive either.
  15. 110Mikey

    Northern pub meet location

    All three are decent pubs. I'm happy to go with the majority. LadyBower Inn lookin favourite then...
  16. 110Mikey

    Northern Pub Meet

    Pub meet would be good. Fishpond: decent pub, aracade and chippy near, so handy The Boat House Inn on the A6 between Matlock & Matlock Bath. Decent beer, not sure bout eye candy mind. Ladybower Inn, not been there but heard good reports. The pubs round there involve driving on some nice...
  17. 110Mikey

    Peak District Recce Run 3rd / 4th july

    Which landy group are you with mate ? BADLRC ? Haven't done any Derbyshire laning for ages. Took shine off last time I went when a stroppy farmer with round hay bale on tractor front loader decided to play chicken... Bit late in the day for joining you Derbyshire laning peeps this weekend...
  18. 110Mikey

    Hostility towards Defender owners?

    I've never had any hostility when driving me landy. If anything it's the opposite. People always let me in at T junctions, motorway slipways etc. You get a bit of respect from HGV drivers too. Often catch so called 'greenies' at work slaggin off 4x4's etc, but they never do - towards a...
  19. 110Mikey

    Wiltshire alert!!

    I totally agree mate. The annoying thing is the odds are TOTALLY in favour of the scrote. 1. Unlikely to be caught in the act. 2. If they are caught in the act - the owner is uncertain of what legally they are allowed to do. Legal comeback etc, reasonable force - what exactly is that ? Owner...
  20. 110Mikey

    Had my landy attacked again

    Glad to see you came out of it with out a hammer embedded in ya skull. As annoying as it is, the window can be replaced, might struggle replacin ya brain though. I agree with Beast o Bodmin on another thread that this is all gettin outa hand now. Someone is gonna end up gettin killed at...